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Bobby and Kristine
About The Couple

We are a faithful couple who desire nothing more than to do Our Heavenly Father's will. We are fun, creative, outgoing and prayerful. We try to our best to serve God in many ways, always putting God and family first. We live life to its fullest and do so by embracing God's creation, living a healthy lifestyle, fostering healthy relationships, and engaging in adventures! We enjoy the beauty of simplicity and because of this we are always happy. 

Casey and Karen
About The Couple

We met in 2007 at Grace Christian University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After filling out an "Application to date my daughter" for her dad, we started dating and quickly fell for each other. We got married on May 29th, 2010 in Seattle, Washington in the church where Casey was raised. After a 6 month internship in Phoenix, AZ, and a final semester in college for Casey, he was offered a full-time position as the Associate Pastor of Youth Ministry at Mountain View Bible Church in Post Falls, ID. 

We moved to Post Falls in 2011 and haven’t looked back. We love the family we have at the church, especially since our families don’t live nearby. We have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in many ways including hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, disc golf, and much more. We also enjoy regular time together as a family playing card games and board games at home, throwing a football or kicking a soccer ball at the park, and traveling to visit our families.

We wanted to have a family soon after we got married, but God has been teaching us to wait on his timing. After 5 years of marriage, we adopted our son Landon at birth on November 20th, 2015. He has brought so much joy into our lives, and his story is truly incredible. We are beyond blessed to be his parents. Now we look forward to the day that we can bring another little life into our family to love and protect.

Will and Julie
About The Couple

I would like to introduce you to our family. My name is Julie, and my wonderful husband's name is Will. I am 30 years old, and Will is 31 years old. We have been married for a little over eight years. Will and I met at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We had both grown up very involved in our churches, so it seems appropriate that we met at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry. We were friends for two years before we started dating. Will's kindness drew me to him. We dated and were engaged for a year and a half before getting married in 2015. Will and I love to travel, and some of our favorite places that we have visited are Spain and Portugal, the Grand Canyon, cruises to the Caribbean, and camping at State Parks, beaches, and other beautiful campgrounds around the Southeastern United States. We can't wait to share our love of travel and the world with a child. We spend a lot of our weekends going to football games, camping in our camper, hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, and spending time with family either in East Tennessee or Middle Tennessee. I love to capture family adventures and memories with my camera. Since I am a professional photographer, I love to take pictures while we travel and around the local area. I look forward to capturing precious memories of our adopted child as they grow up.

Clay and Mindy
About The Couple

We met in 2008 when Facebook had apps that became the precursors to today’s dating apps. After chatting online for a few weeks, we decided to meet for dinner after church. I (Mindy) spent the whole service praying Clay wouldn’t show up because I was so nervous. But he did show up, and we had a great evening. We talked for hours over queso and tacos. I was disarmed by his lack of pretense, his willingness to show me who he really is and not cover up rough patches in his life. We hit it off that night and began dating exclusively. A few months later, Clay wanted to be baptized at our church, and he asked me to do it. That afternoon was the first time our parents met each other, and it is a wonderful memory. After dating for about a year and a half, Clay proposed and we were married just three months later.

When we met, I had a degree in counseling and was working for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. I felt called to teaching though, and shortly after we began dating, I accepted a position to teach 5th grade at a private Christian school. Sixteen years and so many good memories later, and I am still here and now our daughter attends as well. Clay was working for an accounting firm when we met. He has continued to work in office administration and finance, while also getting his master’s of education.

Our life is focused on our faith in Jesus and love for one another. We are surrounded by family and friends who love and support us and have fun with us. We are active in our church and school, and both of these communities are extensions of our family. We still eat lots of tacos and queso, and we are thankful that we both stepped out in faith through what seemed to be just a chance meeting online.

Kenny and Abby
About The Couple

Hello! Our family lives in a suburb outside Washington, DC and we have two biological daughters - we are very excited to add to our family through adoption! We have been happily married for nine years and are best friends who enjoy traveling together to places both near and far. We are a family who doesn't like to sit still and is always on the move! We are energized by adventure, powered by ice cream, and firmly committed to following Christ and raising our children to love Him and love others. Come explore our profile to learn more of who we are! 

Samuel and Robyn
About The Couple

Hello!  We're Sam and Robyn, and we're excited to give you a peek into the happy craziness that is our family.  We were married in 2016 and God has taken us through a lot of ups and downs, and a lot of adventures so far, and we're excited to see what lies ahead.

We love bright colors, interesting foods, books (more than we have shelves for), and being with friends and family.  We are passionate about theatre, histroy, and theology, and board games.  We're both extroverts and have hobbies that involve lots of people!  We're excited to open our hearts to you and we invite you to learn what our family is all about!

We were both home schooled and met in 2007 at a Speech and Debate Tournament.  We became good friends and were both involved in choir and drama, so we would see each other frequently.

After Robyn graduated high school, she spent some time doing volunteer work in Israel alongside people from all over the world.  During that time, because of the distance, we started writing letters.  The hand-written letter continued for years to be our favorite method of communication, in addition to facebook, email, and when things got serious, phone calls.  We talked about life, our faith and spiritual growth, our dreams for the future.  We talked about our views on family building and parenting, including our hope to adopt a child someday, as many people we knew had adopted (including Sam's parents).

Although we were both raised in faithful Christian families, our churches were very different from each other, which was a major point of contention, particularly with Robyn's dad.  It took many hears to work through things, but God changes hearts.  So, in July of 2016 we were officially engaged, and were married that October.

Our son Ambrose was born 10 months later, the first grandkid to his dad's parents, the 13th grandkid to his mom's.  Then 18 months after Ambrose, Dulicinea came along.  Do to complications with the placenta, Dulcinea had to be delivered 5 weeks early by C-section, followed by a hysterechtomy.

Dulcinea was so tiny and beautiful and strong, and we are so thankful that God preserved her life.  But it was a hard blow to not be able to have any more biological kids.  Adoption has always been on our hearts, but we had thought it would come later in our lives.  It appears that God's plan is for us to pursue this path now.

Ambrose and Dulcinea are very excited about the idea of growing our family through adoption.  They pray for the child, and ask others to pray.  We have a huge extended family and a great community  of church friends, drama friends, reenacting friends, and friends we knew from home school activities.  They are all excited to welcome another little friend into their lives.

Ben and Zoë
About The Couple

We met in October 2019 at a trivia night in small town in central Texas. Zoë’s best friend from college happened to invite Ben out to trivia that evening, and Zoë and Ben instantly hit it off. We grew closer in our friendship over the Fall months and in January of 2020 we went on our first date. From that January date to go rock climbing we have basically been inseparable. We have now been married for 3.5 years and love each other more each day.

Right after we started dating, the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the world. We both experienced interruptions to our jobs, social lives, and families. Although the world was forced into isolation, God knew that we were destined to be together and used that time to show us all the different kinds of challenges we can overcome together. We believe that these difficulties early on drew us closer to each other and to the Lord and helped us build a firm foundation for our relationship. We can do anything with the Lord.

Ben is currently working as a software developer and Zoë is a music teacher in several local school districts. We both enjoy playing music together in our free time and spending time with our wonderful church family. We also LOVE to travel all over the place! We are both very active and enjoy hiking, biking, rock climbing, dancing, gardening, disc golf, you name it! Our relationship is full of the joy of the Lord, and we can't wait to share that joy with a child someday.

Michael and Nikki
About The Couple

We first met online eleven years ago through an app, and for our first date, we chose Starbucks, thinking it would be a quick cup of coffee. Four hours later, we were still engrossed in conversation, so we decided to grab dinner. What started as a short outing turned into a nine-hour adventure! From the very beginning, we felt God’s presence in our relationship, and we knew He had brought us together. After dating for over two years, we got engaged and married exactly one year later. Our journey has been filled with love, faith, and unforgettable moments. We have now been married for 8 years. Our love for each other is strong and continues to grow. We look forward to sharing that love with our child, helping them to thrive and reach their full potential. We want to share all of our passions and help our kiddo develop passions of their own.

Dave and Ashley
About The Couple

Hello! We're Dave and Ashley!

We met in a college class when we were assigned to do a group project together. We began dating a few months later. A week after our first date, Dave found out he was going to be deployed after graduation. We spent a year communicating through emails and video chats. We married a few months after he came home. We've now been married over ten years and our life together continues to be an adventure. Dave finished his military career and is now an ICU nurse. Ashley is a junior high/high school teacher. We have two children, Audrey and Bryce, and love spending time together as a family.

Nathaniel and Rebecca
About The Couple

We met at work in 2015 and Nathan immediately told his coworker “I really like the new girl!” After months of growing a friendship through team work lunches, we began dating in 2016 and were engaged within 6 months (our coworkers didn’t even know we were dating until we showed up engaged which was hilarious to see their reactions!) Nathan proposed at the spot of our first date and we got married 6 months later. Our wedding day was amazing, and Rebecca didn’t leave the dance floor the entire night!

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The world is filled with an abundance of children who are living on the streets or in orphanages in desperate need of forever families and a forever home.  The world of international adoption is more complex with national laws varying from country to country and more steps required than traditional US adoptions. The laws and processes of international adoption are necessary because of the consistent effort of those who try to exploit the world of adoption for the purpose of human trafficking.  Below, you will find access to a series of articles to help you learn more about the world of international adoption.

James 1:27

The passage of James 1:27 tells us about how God sees orphans and the value He places on the need to care for them.  Take a moment to learn about God’s call for each of us to care for orphans.  Learn More

Understanding Orphans

Most people think an orphan is a child whose parents have died and that child lives in an orphanage in some other country.  Although it is true, that this child would be an orphan, there are many variations of what constitutes an orphan across this globe.  Take a moment and learn more about the children who are in need of forever families and forever homes. Learn More

Hague Conference

Human trafficking is a global crisis and challenges facing the orphaned children across the globe.  Human traffickers would infiltrate the world of adoption as ways of gaining access to kids to exploit.  In 1993, the Hague Conference convened to establish global protocols for international adoptions as a specific step to intervene on the exploration of children through adoption.  You are invited to Learn More

Common Countries for Adoption

There are some countries that are more accepting and friendly to adoption recognizing that the process of adoption is a way to minister to the needs of the orphan children in their countries.  This article will share insights on some of the countries that have historically supported international adoptions. Learn More

International Adoption Application

There are forms and parts of the process that are different when adopting internationally versus adopting in the United States.  This is a quick look into some of the things you will need when adopting from another country.  Take a moment and explore the process of international adoption. Learn More