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Beau and Erin
About The Couple

We are incredibly grateful that you have taken the time to learn about our lives. It is truly an honor to introduce ourselves, and we hope this gives you a small glimpse into who we are.

We are Beau and Erin, and we were both born and raised in Washington State. We have been married for almost 20 years and have desired to grow our family for more than 15 of those years. We met in high school at a summer Bible camp in 1998. We started dating later that summer and quickly realized we were meant to be together. After six years of dating and once Erin completed her bachelor’s degree, Beau proposed, and we were married on August 13, 2005.

From the very beginning of our relationship, we have wanted children but faced challenges conceiving. Our doctor informed us that it was unlikely for us to get pregnant without medical intervention. At that time, we were devastated; however, we strongly felt that the Lord was calling us to welcome a child into our home through adoption, and we found peace in that decision.

Both of us come from medium-sized families and grew up with siblings. We understand how special sibling relationships can be, and we believe that family is one of the most important aspects of life. In addition to our immediate family, we have an extended community of friends who are also very important to us.

In our home, we emphasize love and respect for one another, striving to demonstrate a love similar to that of God. We have always hoped and prayed for children. Adoption has been on our hearts for a long time, and we are very excited about the prospect of adding a child to our loving family.

If you choose us, know that you will always be an important part of your child's story, and your child will grow up knowing just how very loved they are and we would love for you to continue to be a part of their life as well if that is something you would like.


Robert and Rachel
About The Couple

We met 10 years ago and have been married for 7 years. We met online and found a few ways we could have met before! We went to the same college and frequently had classes at the same time in the same building and went to the same conferences in high school for our extra curricular activity. Once we met though we quickly bonded over our love of board games. Today you can still find us playing games together with friends and family. Our favorite to play with family is Letter Jam since it’s a good one for any play level. We already have a list of games we are ready to play with kids including our childhood favorites like Sorry, Life, Clue, and more. We have a large extended family that all live within 20 minutes of us and we get together with both side weekly! We recently got back from an extended family airbnb trip to Broken Bow with some good family fun including too many smores to count and a kids train ride in the forest.  We love spending time in the evenings together usually at our local park and exploring our city on the weekends from splash pads to zoos. We love holiday traditions like 4th of July kids bike parade, Christmas volunteering, and huge birthday celebrations! We are excited to add a little one to our family and for them to be able to bond together over being adopted.  Harper is so excited talking about how good of a big sister she is going to be.  We hope this helps you get to know us and if you have questions hope to hear from you soon!

Angel and Breanna
About The Couple

We are Angel and Breanna! We’ve both felt called to adopt from a young age. We initially met in high school and our paths reconnected after college. It became clear that God had brought us together for a purpose — our mutual desire to grow our family through adoption. After experiencing infertility, we felt God leading us to begin this journey sooner than we had planned, but we trust in His perfect timing and plan for our family.

Adoption holds a special place in our hearts because it is a beautiful reminder of how God has adopted us into His family. Just as we have been chosen and loved by God, we long to provide the same love, care, and belonging to a child through adoption.

We’ve been together for over six years and married for three. During this time, we’ve grown closer as a couple, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying life with our playful mini Goldendoodle, Teddy. Breanna is a passionate teacher with a deep love for children, and her role with her students fulfills her heart’s desire to one day raise a child of her own. Angel works remotely in sales, which gives us a great work-life balance and allows us more time together as a family.

Our faith is at the core of everything we do, and we are both deeply involved in our church community. Breanna serves in children’s ministry, and Angel serves as a greeter, offering a warm welcome to all who visit. We promise to provide your child with a loving, safe, and faith-filled home, where they will always know how deeply they are loved by us and by God. 

Guy and Rachel
About The Couple

We couldn’t believe we sat near each other in nursing school for 2 years and never shared more than a few words with each other. After going on our first date, almost a year after graduation, we realized how much we had in common and we were instantly attached to each other. We realized we grew up with similar beliefs and enjoyed the same hobbies. We love sports and going to events together, cheering on our favorite team. We both love trying new restaurants and exploring new cities. We love to ride around looking at mountain views and just enjoy each others company. We love to plan vacations with the kids and surprise them with new adventures. We truly are best friends. We love each other so deeply. We respect each other and stand behind each others dreams. We make sure to put each other first and continue learning ways to grow our relationship with each other and the Lord. Having children was always a dream of ours, even before we were married. We love parenting together and we are so grateful for these special blessings that God has given us.

Bryan and Elisabeth
About The Couple

We were set up on a blind date by some mutual friends at church and have been married for 5 years in September. We had met for coffee and cupcakes on our first date. We were going to share a cupcake, but Bryan learned that Elisabeth didn't like chocolate. We were able to get past this obstacle. We love to travel and have been to six countries together. Elisabeth grew up going on road trips with her family. She has been to all fifty states. We plan to do road trips and travel in the future as a family. Elisabeth grew up playing board games often with her family, and we play them often together. We love to have friends over for games and dinner. We both have  love of reading and plan to share that with your child. As Stickland Gillian wrote: "Richer than I you can never be-- I had a Mother who read to me." We both have a love for the arts: symphony, art museums, and Broadway plays. Bryan's mom introduced him to plays as a child, and we plan to share that with your child. 


Daniel and Rochelle
About The Couple

We are each other’s missing piece, extremely different but alike in so many ways! We met through a dating app when Daniel gave it one last shot before deleting the app and coincidentally was Rochelle’s first match. The timing was meant to be! We hit it off immediately and started dating in early 2019. Daniel proposed in 2020 in Florida at Marco Island when we were walking along the beach. He had asked a kind stranger to take a picture of us on the beach but quietly asked her to record everything. After posing for the picture, Daniel got down on one knee. We were married a year later right after everything open up after Covid. It was a small intimate wedding on the beach in Key Largo, Florida. Rochelle’s Grandma was the flower girl and our pup was our ring bearer.

Getting married when we were older helped us start our relationship strong because we knew who we really were. Our life experiences helped shape us into adults who know to communicate effectively and appropriately. We are able to truly understand each other and tell each other what we need in our relationship. We are both hard workers and love to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Justin and Kaitlin
About The Couple

Hello! We are Justin and Kaitlin and we are so grateful that you have taken the time to glance into our lives. Justin and I have always wanted to be parents. We had plans to have children biologically, hopes and dreams of what our family would look like, however God's plans look different for our family. After two years of infertility, negative tests, unsuccessful fertility treatments, many prayers and trusting in the Lord’s timing, we are overjoyed to start this next journey. We feel  strongly that the Lord is calling us to welcome a child into our home through adoption. We have been praying for this future adopted child for a long time, and now we pray we get to meet them soon. 

Dakota and Jordan
About The Couple

We have been married for 12 years, and we have two amazing, biological daughters. Kenlee is 8 years old, and Taylor is 6. We have always dreamed of having a house full of kids, but when we tried to conceive our third child we began suffering recurrent miscarriages. We have endured 7 miscarriages in the last 2 years with the latest being at 14 weeks gestation. We’ve sought treatment from fertility doctors, but the cause of our losses remains a mystery. Our infertility journey has been heartbreaking, but we believe God has good plans for our family (AND FOR YOURS TOO)! We feel strongly that God has led us to adoption to grow our family.

Daniel and Ingrid
About The Couple

Hello! We are Danny and Ingrid. We value our relationship with God, family, and each other, and are excited to share our unconditional love with another child. We are an adventurous, fun-loving family from Wisconsin and look forward to growing our family. Although we have struggled for several years with infertility, long before that God had placed adoption on both of our hearts. Our first discussion about it started back when we were dating long distance. We have been married now for 10 years and have been blessed with our son, Steven, through adoption. Steven would make such a great big brother, and would love to have a sibling to play with.

Casey and Karen
About The Couple

We met in 2007 at Grace Christian University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After filling out an "Application to date my daughter" for her dad, we started dating and quickly fell for each other. We got married on May 29th, 2010 in Seattle, Washington in the church where Casey was raised. After a 6 month internship in Phoenix, AZ, and a final semester in college for Casey, he was offered a full-time position as the Associate Pastor of Youth Ministry at Mountain View Bible Church in Post Falls, ID. 

We moved to Post Falls in 2011 and haven’t looked back. We love the family we have at the church, especially since our families don’t live nearby. We have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in many ways including hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, disc golf, and much more. We also enjoy regular time together as a family playing card games and board games at home, throwing a football or kicking a soccer ball at the park, and traveling to visit our families.

We wanted to have a family soon after we got married, but God has been teaching us to wait on his timing. After 5 years of marriage, we adopted our son Landon at birth on November 20th, 2015. He has brought so much joy into our lives, and his story is truly incredible. We are beyond blessed to be his parents. Now we look forward to the day that we can bring another little life into our family to love and protect.

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If you and your spouse feel called to adopt internationally, one of the first things you will need to do is complete an application with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It will probably be best for you to be connected with an adoption agency that can help guide you through the process and answer any questions.

The application package will include the USCIS form, your completed home study, the application fee and any documents that support your home study or the adoption process. There are two different forms, Form I-800A or I-600A, depending on which country you will be pursuing in your adoption journey.

Form I-800: A is used for adoption from countries participating in the Hague Adoption Convention. This form is also known as the Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country.

Contact with either the parents, legal custodians, or other parties responsible for the care of the child that is targeted for the adoption is forbidden during the application process.

Form I-600A is used for adoption from countries Not participating in the Hague Adoption Convention. This form is also known as the Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition.

The targeted child for adoption must remain in the country where the child is located until the application processing is completed.

The purpose of either of these forms is to communicate the eligibility of the prospective adoptive parents to adopt and they are capable of providing appropriate care to any adopted child.

What are the fees for filing the forms?

Your adoption agency or attorney may have an independent filing fee for handling the application process for you. In addition to that, the USCIS will be charging a filing fee of $670. There is also a fingerprinting fee costing around $80. This fee is assessed for each person over 18 who is residing in the home.

Where is the form filed?

The place to file the forms differs depending on whether you are filing form I-800A, I-600A, or I-600. If you are filing Form I-800A, then you will be submitting your form and accompanying documents and payments to the address noted below:

P.O. Box 805695
Chicago, IL 60680-4118

You are welcome to submit the forum and accompanying documents using a private courier by using the following address:

Attn: Hague
131 South Dearborn – 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5510

If you are using either Form I-600A or I-600, then you will be filling through the local USCIS office in the United States with jurisdiction over your place of residence. Please visit the website and use the Field Office Locator to find the appropriate office.

How long is the application form valid?

You will receive written approval from the USCIS office. The validity varies depending on whether it is Form I-800A or either Form I-600A or I-600.

Form I-800A – is valid for 15 months
Form I-600A or I-600 – is valid for 18 months.

It is possible to extend the validity of either form. Please visit the office for extension procedures.

All prospective parents must go through a FBI criminal background check. Fingerprints are submitted as part of this process. In order to protect the potential adoptee children, fingerprints are only collected from an authorized site.

Authorized fingerprinting sites include:
USCIS offices
Application support centers
US embassies or consular offices
International military institutions

What is basic adoptive parent(s) eligibility?

It is important to learn all you can regarding the laws and regulations regarding adopting from another country. As prospective parents pursuing adoption, you are subject to the federal laws of the United States, the laws of the country where the child resides, and the laws of your home state.

For example, the federal laws of the United States allow Americans with disabilities to pursue adoption, however they are countries the prohibit prospective families with some disabilities from adopting. You may find that some countries prohibit single parents from adopting.

What is your next step?
To learn more about filing an I-800A, I-600A, or an I-600, please contact the USCIS toll-free at 1-800-375-5283. You may also visit their website at