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John and Sarah
About The Couple

We first crossed paths at Zilker Park in Austin, TX. John was playing lacrosse with friends while Sarah chatted with a friend. New to Austin, Sarah remembers seeing his group and wishing she could be a part of it. John remembers wishing he had stopped her and said hello. Months later, Sarah was invited to a mutual friend’s birthday party on Cinco De Mayo, and we officially met! Six months later we were dating. Sarah knew from the start we were meant for each other—we have now been together for 8.5 years! We got married in New Hampshire in the sumer of 2019. All the Texan guests brought the heat with them, though; it was 100 degrees on our wedding day!

We are laid back, outgoing people with a strong support network of close friends and family nearby. We love spending time together and seeing and experiencing new places, people, and foods! As a couple, we both enjoy spending quiet time at home with our dog as much as we enjoy going out to restaurants and spending time with friends and family. Boating, beaches, and nature fill us both, so we spend a lot of time outdoors and traveling to New England. We also love skiing and snowboarding together.

John is a partner at his firm, focusing on marketing and PR strategy for portfolio companies. We are lucky in that John works from home and he’s able to make his own schedule, so he is looking forward to being a hands-on dad. John is Scotch-Irish, English and German—and a multi-generation Texan! He played lacrosse in college, chaired several social organizations, and started a charity with friends that built 15 public wells in Africa. He currently mentors and sits on the advisory boards of many startup incubators.

Sarah loves animals…a lot! She is obsessed with her dog, Auggie, and three young nephews. They are her world. Sarah is Swedish, Chilean, English, and Scottish. She loves learning about history and family traditions. She has two sisters, one is 11 months older and the other is her twin! Sarah is a former corporate IT manager and experienced project manager. She now consults but is lucky to be a stay-at-home mom for our future child!

Clay and Mindy
About The Couple

We met in 2008 when Facebook had apps that became the precursors to today’s dating apps. After chatting online for a few weeks, we decided to meet for dinner after church. I (Mindy) spent the whole service praying Clay wouldn’t show up because I was so nervous. But he did show up, and we had a great evening. We talked for hours over queso and tacos. I was disarmed by his lack of pretense, his willingness to show me who he really is and not cover up rough patches in his life. We hit it off that night and began dating exclusively. A few months later, Clay wanted to be baptized at our church, and he asked me to do it. That afternoon was the first time our parents met each other, and it is a wonderful memory. After dating for about a year and a half, Clay proposed and we were married just three months later.

When we met, I had a degree in counseling and was working for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. I felt called to teaching though, and shortly after we began dating, I accepted a position to teach 5th grade at a private Christian school. Sixteen years and so many good memories later, and I am still here and now our daughter attends as well. Clay was working for an accounting firm when we met. He has continued to work in office administration and finance, while also getting his master’s of education.

Our life is focused on our faith in Jesus and love for one another. We are surrounded by family and friends who love and support us and have fun with us. We are active in our church and school, and both of these communities are extensions of our family. We still eat lots of tacos and queso, and we are thankful that we both stepped out in faith through what seemed to be just a chance meeting online.

David and Rachel
About The Couple

I, Rachel, was born and raised by my precious parents in middle Tennessee. My dad worked in human resources for most of my childhood, and my mom worked in our family home, caring for my sister and me. My older sister Michele is married and has three young boys in addition to three stepchildren. Three of the six children have joined our family through the great gift of adoption. Our nephews and niece have been a blessing to us and are true examples of how beautiful adoption truly is. My sister and I were raised in a Christian home and were taught about having a personal relationship with Jesus, which is what I cherish the most. I have many special memories from my childhood. My family and I also enjoyed taking summer vacations to a lake in middle Tennessee. It was during these summer vacations that so many wonderful memories were made. Today, I enjoy baking for family and friends. It’s important to me to love those precious people the Lord has placed in my life. One really great way for me to spend time with the Lord is by creating things that give Him glory. It’s this creativity that has me constantly working on a wide range of creative activities. I often create things that allow me to include scripture. It’s a way to encourage others to remain focused on the Word of God and His love for all of us. The Lord has me in a season of life where I am called to really be a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.


Matthew grew up in East Tennessee. In addition, he was raised by wonderful parents who taught him to love and serve Jesus Christ. While his father was an engineer, his mother worked at home, caring for Matthew and his siblings. Marie, Matthew's younger sister, is married with two stepchildren. Her stepson and his wife recently gave birth to a baby girl, making Marie a grandmother. Additionally, Matthew has a younger married brother. He and his wife have a one-year-old boy, and they will soon be adding to their family through another pregnancy. Matthew was involved in a variety of sports as a child. Basketball, baseball, and track were the three sports that captured his interest the most. Like me, he was heavily involved in church and grew up serving the Lord. Matthew also enjoys the creative side of things. He uses his interest in computers to create digital products that glorify the Lord, all while encouraging those who make up the Kingdom of God. He loves to serve others and has a heart for those who need a helping hand. His heart for people is one of the qualities that I love so much about him.

Jonathan and Kendall
About The Couple

Our love for each other started from our love of horses. We met at a time in our lives when we both trained and showed horses alongside both of our families. Though we had known of each other, one day we fell in love as we discovered not only did we share the same interest but most importantly we shared the same values. We could tell from that moment that God had led us to each other. After dating for a year, Jonathan proposed in April and we got married in October 2016. We have been married for 7 years and still can say we are truly each others best friend.

Peter and Bethany
About The Couple

We met on an online dating site. I noticed right away that Peter was special. He asked good questions and took a genuine interest in getting to know who I was. I was intrigued by him. After a couple of weeks of exchanging long messages, he asked me out to dinner. Our first date was at a restaurant called Smokey Bones. We felt at ease with one another right away and more dates followed, including bowling, a trip to the zoo, going to an indoor amusement park, and trying new restaurants. We enjoyed our second date at a local Thai restaurant where our connection deepened. Later, Peter proposed by setting up a private dinner with food from this same restaurant. He also had a book made that included all of our email messages from when we were getting to know each other online. Since we decided on a small wedding, we had our ceremony at a local park pavilion on the most beautiful fall day. It was a perfectly simple, sunny, and wonderful day. We chose a small wedding with hopes of going on a big adventure for our honeymoon. We went to Ireland, a place I had always wanted to go. Peter had been there before on a high school trip, and had wanted to come back with his wife someday. I guess both of our dreams came true :)

Brendon and Amanda
About The Couple

We met in 2013 at a birthday party for a mutual friend. After a brief introduction, I went home and “stalked” Brendon on Facebook. After looking through his profile and thinking he was the cutest guy I had ever seen, I quickly added him as a friend. A week later he sent me a message and asked me on a date. The rest is history! We dated for two and a half years before we got engaged. Brendon surprised me by having our entire family waiting for us at dinner after he proposed and then surprised me again after dinner by having an engagement party with all of our friends waiting to celebrate. Brendon always goes above and beyond to make me feel special and he pulled out all of the stops for our engagement. We were married on February 6, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Our wedding was the most memorable day of our lives. We celebrated our love for each other surrounded by all of the love of our family and friends. It was truly unforgettable! Since our big day, we have been through some highs and lows, but through it all, we have become stronger. We live each day together as a team and as best friends. We work to encourage one another daily, we respect and value each other’s opinions, and we do and we do a lot of laughing which helps to make our days bright!

Justin and Kaitlin
About The Couple

Hello! We are Justin and Kaitlin and we are so grateful that you have taken the time to glance into our lives. Justin and I have always wanted to be parents. We had plans to have children biologically, hopes and dreams of what our family would look like, however God's plans look different for our family. After two years of infertility, negative tests, unsuccessful fertility treatments, many prayers and trusting in the Lord’s timing, we are overjoyed to start this next journey. We feel  strongly that the Lord is calling us to welcome a child into our home through adoption. We have been praying for this future adopted child for a long time, and now we pray we get to meet them soon. 

Samuel and Casey
About The Couple
We are Sam and Casey and Julia! We have been blessed with the most amazing family and we can't wait to grow it even more. Sam and Casey have the same birthday (same day, same year!) and on our shared 30th birthday, we got the call to adopt and bring home our first daughter (Julia). That was the most amazing day of their lives but now we want nothing more than to adopt again to complete our family. We love each other, love our friends and family and love what the Lord is doing in our lives through adoption.
Jon and Alyssa
About The Couple

Alyssa was living in Jackson, MS dancing and touring with a ballet company when Jon moved to California (where Alyssa is originally from) after college. He met Alyssa’s family through a mutual friend, and eventually met Alyssa when she was home on break.  Jon was immediately attracted to her composure, beauty, and secure identity in Jesus.  Jon was able to convince Alyssa to move home. We were engaged for 3 months and married 3 months later.  I (Alyssa) was attracted to his confidence, his looks, and his love of Jesus.  I knew that if I married Jon, I would feel secure and cared for the rest of my life.

Thomas and Crissy
About The Couple

Our names are Crissy and Thomas. Crissy is a pediatric nurse and Thomas is a former police officer and current first responder for 9-1-1. The thing we want most in this world is to have a family. We have been married for nine years, and we did fertility treatments for the first six of them. We were originally introduced in 2007 and over the next few years were introduced by a few more. We finally decided to give it a shot. We got married in November 2013, Over the next several years of medical intervention, treatments and one lost pregnancy it was discovered that Crissy had unexplained infertility. We still have the dream to start a family. We know that families are made in many different ways and we are hopeful that our family is still out there. We truly feel as though God has led us to adoption, and we hope and pray that this will finally be our opportunity to create our family.

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In the United States, adoption looks different across the country. Each state has its laws along with national requirements as well. Adoptions vary from closed to fully open, with many different variations in between.

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

Whether you are a member of the birth family, the prospective adoptive parents, or someone looking at adoption from within the family, you can access the information you need by scrolling down to find the appropriate education for yourself.

Types of Adoptions

Whether you are a birth mother or a prospective adoptive family, this section will provide you with information about closed, open, and semi-open adoptions. You can learn about the benefits of each type of adoption and the potential disadvantages of each. Learn More

Birth Families

This section of the site is primarily intended for members of the birth family. If you are a birth mom, birth father, or another member of the birth family, we invite you to visit this section to find the adoption insights specifically for you. Learn More

Prospective Adoptive Parents

If you are here to begin your journey of growing your family through adoption, you will want to explore this section of the site. This education equips you to make informed decisions about what adoption looks like for you and your family. Learn More

Relative Adoptions

One of the most common adoption types in the United States is relative adoption. A family member may adopt a child in an unplanned pregnancy, or it may be a step-parent adopting the child of the other parent. You are invited to discover things to consider here. Learn More