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Daniel and Rochelle
About The Couple

We are each other’s missing piece, extremely different but alike in so many ways! We met through a dating app when Daniel gave it one last shot before deleting the app and coincidentally was Rochelle’s first match. The timing was meant to be! We hit it off immediately and started dating in early 2019. Daniel proposed in 2020 in Florida at Marco Island when we were walking along the beach. He had asked a kind stranger to take a picture of us on the beach but quietly asked her to record everything. After posing for the picture, Daniel got down on one knee. We were married a year later right after everything open up after Covid. It was a small intimate wedding on the beach in Key Largo, Florida. Rochelle’s Grandma was the flower girl and our pup was our ring bearer.

Getting married when we were older helped us start our relationship strong because we knew who we really were. Our life experiences helped shape us into adults who know to communicate effectively and appropriately. We are able to truly understand each other and tell each other what we need in our relationship. We are both hard workers and love to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Guy and Rachel
About The Couple

We couldn’t believe we sat near each other in nursing school for 2 years and never shared more than a few words with each other. After going on our first date, almost a year after graduation, we realized how much we had in common and we were instantly attached to each other. We realized we grew up with similar beliefs and enjoyed the same hobbies. We love sports and going to events together, cheering on our favorite team. We both love trying new restaurants and exploring new cities. We love to ride around looking at mountain views and just enjoy each others company. We love to plan vacations with the kids and surprise them with new adventures. We truly are best friends. We love each other so deeply. We respect each other and stand behind each others dreams. We make sure to put each other first and continue learning ways to grow our relationship with each other and the Lord. Having children was always a dream of ours, even before we were married. We love parenting together and we are so grateful for these special blessings that God has given us.

Jerad and Ami
About The Couple

I became best friends with Jerad’s sister while I was in nursing school. She and I played on a kickball team with nursing school friends, along with Jerad and some of his friends. Jerad and I became friends, started dating, and quickly fell in love. Our relationship has always had a strong foundation based on faith and family. We still consider ourselves lucky to share the same values and opinions on the most important aspects of life: religion, prioritizing family and wanting children.

About a year after we began dating, Jerad cooked a steak dinner at his house for me. After dinner, we were going to watch a movie, but he proposed instead! We sat and talked for an hour before we called anyone which was special to us. We then called our family and close friends and met some friends out that night to celebrate. It was a fun, low key night—the way we like it! We had a large wedding in the church I grew up attending. All our family and friends were there to celebrate with us. It was a beautiful and perfect ceremony. Afterward, we had a reception with dinner and a band. It was one of the most fun nights we have had together. We felt so loved, and we talked to and celebrated with the people we loved and even had time to dance and enjoy the night ourselves

Daniel and Ingrid
About The Couple

Hello! We are Danny and Ingrid. We value our relationship with God, family, and each other, and are excited to share our unconditional love with another child. We are an adventurous, fun-loving family from Wisconsin and look forward to growing our family. Although we have struggled for several years with infertility, long before that God had placed adoption on both of our hearts. Our first discussion about it started back when we were dating long distance. We have been married now for 10 years and have been blessed with our son, Steven, through adoption. Steven would make such a great big brother, and would love to have a sibling to play with.

Robert and Jessica
About The Couple

      A ping pong table in a small Bible college in Pennsylvania is where it all began. Our friendship in the beginning laid the foundation for our relationship later and we got to know each other over games of ping pong. When we started studying together and spending more time with each other, we realized we had a strong connection. Rob thought Jessica was beautiful and fun to be around. Jessica admired how much Rob cared for his friends and family. It didn't take us long to see that we were meant to be together and have been inseparable ever since.

     Each day is a blessing as we spend time together doing the activities we love. Walking around local theme parks, visiting the beach, and meeting up with Rob's family are some of our favorite things. Jessica enjoys cooking healthy meals, and Rob helps out around the house. An evening walk around the neighborhood is a nice way to catch up and enjoy nature. We plan weekly outings and look forward to our annual summer vacations. It will be a joy to have our little one in our lives!

Dan and Rebekah
About The Couple

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.  We are Dan and Rebekah and we met at a Christian Camp that we both worked at in Wisconsin.  Rebekah was immediately drawn to Dan's smile and fun personality.  Dan was attracted to Rebekah's beauty and kindness.  We were able to work a few weekends together and spent time getting to know each other.  We were married in March of 2006 on a chilly, Spring day surrounded by family and friends.

Throughout our time together we have been growing and helping each other to be better people.  It has always been our desire to have children, and we prayed for this for some time.  We always knew that we would adopt one day and when we weren't able to get pregnant, we decided to pursue adoption rather than infertility treatment.  After 12 years of marriage God blessed us with our daughter Eliana through the gift of adoption.  We are so excited to be growing our family this way again!  We would love to learn about you and your wishes for your child.  You are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope to meet you soon! 

Peter and Bethany
About The Couple

We met on an online dating site. I noticed right away that Peter was special. He asked good questions and took a genuine interest in getting to know who I was. I was intrigued by him. After a couple of weeks of exchanging long messages, he asked me out to dinner. Our first date was at a restaurant called Smokey Bones. We felt at ease with one another right away and more dates followed, including bowling, a trip to the zoo, going to an indoor amusement park, and trying new restaurants. We enjoyed our second date at a local Thai restaurant where our connection deepened. Later, Peter proposed by setting up a private dinner with food from this same restaurant. He also had a book made that included all of our email messages from when we were getting to know each other online. Since we decided on a small wedding, we had our ceremony at a local park pavilion on the most beautiful fall day. It was a perfectly simple, sunny, and wonderful day. We chose a small wedding with hopes of going on a big adventure for our honeymoon. We went to Ireland, a place I had always wanted to go. Peter had been there before on a high school trip, and had wanted to come back with his wife someday. I guess both of our dreams came true :)

Nathaniel and Rebecca
About The Couple

We met at work in 2015 and Nathan immediately told his coworker “I really like the new girl!” After months of growing a friendship through team work lunches, we began dating in 2016 and were engaged within 6 months (our coworkers didn’t even know we were dating until we showed up engaged which was hilarious to see their reactions!) Nathan proposed at the spot of our first date and we got married 6 months later. Our wedding day was amazing, and Rebecca didn’t leave the dance floor the entire night!

Cory and Kelsi
About The Couple

We are Cory and Kelsi, with three children, Abe, Hazel, and Riley. We love spending time together as a family doing activities like bike rides, movie and pizza nights, individual and family date nights. We live in a small rural town that is currently growing quickly. Kelsi is a stay-at-home mom, that works part time for the local libraries providing early childhood activities. She has her degree in Early Childhood Education. Cory is a software engineer and gets to work from home two days a week. Cory has his degree in Computer Science. Our children range in ages from 5-10.  With the youngest in morning preschool and the oldest in Junior High.  Adoption has always been part of our plan. We were blessed with our three children, but are ready to add to our family through adoption.

Joseph and Krista
About The Couple

HI we are Joe and Krista. We have been together since 2014. We met while working together at Walmart. We then got married in 2019. The date is a very special one for us. We got married on Krista's grandparents 50the wedding anniversary. Not only is it there anniversary but also Krista's parents, and also aunt and uncle. 

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Relative adoption occurs rather frequently within the United States and accounts for the majority of domestic adoptions in this country.

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

Relative adoption may involve an aunt, uncle, grandparent, brother, sister or parent adopting a child from another family member.

What are the reasons for Relative Adoption?

Relative adoptions occur for any number of reasons, but here are some common reasons that relative adoptions happen:

  • The family collectively wants to keep an unplanned child within the family or extended family in some manner.
  • A family member may not be able to have children.
  • A single mother may want her child in the family but not be in a position to raise the child.

There is a variety of reasons that adoption may occur within the extended family. However, as Christians, you want to be asking what God has planned for your family and for the baby. There are many considerations that you need to work through and discuss as relative adoption is considered.