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Dan & Rebekah
Marriage Length







Eliana 6 yr

Eliana is our six year old daughter who we adopted at birth. Eliana means, "My God has answered."  She is the light and joy of our lives, and we are forever grateful for her birth parents choosing us to raise this beautiful girl.  We have a lovely, open relationship with them and Eliana's grandparents. We are thankful to have them as a part of our lives as well.

Eliana is a typical 6 year old who loves to play, climb and explore.  She is sweet with a little bit of sass, a blooming artist, and lover of cats.  She's been praying for a sister or brother to join our family, and she can't wait to be a big sister!  We know she will do great in that role! 





Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.  It is truly an honor to introduce ourselves to you and we hope that this gives you a small glimpse into our lives.  We are Dan and Rebekah and we met at a camp that we both worked at in Wisconsin.  Rebekah was immediately drawn to Dan's smile and fun personality.  Dan was attracted to Rebekah's beauty and kindness.  We were married in March of 2006 on a chilly, spring day surrounded by family and friends.  Throughout our time together we have been growing and helping each other to be better people. 

Our journey to parenthood has not been easy. It has always been our desire to have children, and we prayed for this for some time.  We knew that we wanted to adopt one day and when we weren't able to get pregnant, we decided to pursue adoption rather than infertility treatment.  After 12 years of marriage God blessed us with our daughter Eliana through the gift of adoption.  Adoption has blessed our lives in more ways than we could have ever imagined!  Not only did we gain a daughter, but we also feel like we added to our extended family with our daughter's bio family.  We are so excited to be adding to our family through adoption again! 

If you choose us, know that you will always be an important part of your child's story, and your child will grow up knowing just how very loved they are by you.  We would love for you to continue to be a part of their life as well if that is something you would like.  You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we hope to meet you soon! 

Letter to you
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From Rebekah - Dan is a wonderful husband and father!  He is fun to be around, caring, patient, and has a huge heart for others.  He works hard to provide for us, but is never too busy to take time for people.  He is very talented at building things and loves coming up with cool props for church and school.  He is very active and enjoys being outside, hiking, kayaking, skiing, and playing sports.  Spending time with family and friends is a large priority for him.  He is a very hands on type of dad, spending lots of time with Eliana, playing with her, and supporting her interests.  I am grateful to be his wife and so thankful to able to do life together! 


I grew up in a loving Christian home.  My parents have been together for over 45 years.  I have a twin sister and younger brother close to my age.  Both are married with kids.  All of my family live in the same area in New Jersey along with most of my extended familly.  They are very involved in each others lives, getting together often, helping each other with projects, and going on vacation together.  We are able to visit them once or twice a year, and we video chat or talk on the phone whenever we can.  My famaily is thrilled for another adoption.  They are great and I love them a lot. - Dan 


Dan teaches math, science, and PE at our Christian school as well as coaches the boy's basketball team.  

ABOUT Rebekah

From Dan - Rebekah is affectionate, loyal, and kind.  She really enjoys getting out on adventures and seeing new places.  Family and friends are very important to her.  She holds these relationships very close to her and cares deeply about them.  Rebekah has a nurturing heart and great compassion for children.  She is a tremendous mother.  Her style, detail, and beauty, wrapped in love and care has made her a wonderful homemaker.  She is an excellent wife to me, and I love her! 


I come from a wonderful, large, fun loving family.  My parents were married for 40 years and have shown me a great example of how to love and support each other in marriage.  My Dad just recently passed away, and we miss him dearly.  I'm the oldest of eight children.  I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers.  With so many siblings there is never a dull moment when we are together.  Most of them live in Wisconsin, and we see each other at least once or twice a year.  We have all stayed pretty close, love spending time together, and even going on vacations together.  My family is thrilled to welcome another grandchild into the family soon! 


Rebekah has taught Pre-K in the past, but has stepped back to be more available for our daughter and any future children we might have.  She currently coaches our high school girl's volleyball team and still helps out at school from time to time.  


Eliana is our six year old daughter who we adopted at birth. Eliana means, "My God has answered."  She is the light and joy of our lives, and we are forever grateful for her birth parents choosing us to raise this beautiful girl.  We have a lovely, open relationship with them and Eliana's grandparents. We are thankful to have them as a part of our lives as well.

Eliana is a typical 6 year old who loves to play, climb and explore.  She is sweet with a little bit of sass, a blooming artist, and lover of cats.  She's been praying for a sister or brother to join our family, and she can't wait to be a big sister!  We know she will do great in that role! 


God has blessed us with a very spacious home.  We live on a good sized property owned by our church and school, with a playground and lots of room to play.  Some of our coworkers and friends also live in the neighboring homes, so it's fun to be able to get together so easily.  We also get spoiled not having to drive to work and school every day, since we can just walk on over.  The home that we live in has three bedrooms.  One for us, one for Eliana, and one we are setting up for a future baby.  We also have a large living room and dining area, along with a cozy family/play room.  Plenty of place to grow a family.  Behind our home is a large field that Eliana loves to run and play in, or ride her motorized car.  We also have two playgrounds on the property for her to play on, and we have local parks, stores, and a library all within walking distance.  

We have a pet cat named Lola.  Eliana's always been obsessed with cats, so when a friend asked to give her one of their kittens we said, "yes".  Lola has been so patient with Eliana, and Eliana loves having her around to play with.    


Being teachers has given us the ability to travel a bit in the summer and this is something we enjoy doing.  We are blessed to live in such a beautiful area where there is never a lack of things to do or places to explore.  We love being outdoors, hiking, exploring new places, and touring historical sites.  We've also taken a couple cross country road trips to visit family and sight see.  We have memberships at the local zoo, to an air museum, and also to a local farm that Eliana really enjoys going to.