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Jon & Alyssa
Marriage Length







Gideon 4 yr

Gideon is 4 years old. He loves his little sister, riding his scooter, and playing with his friends and cousins. He is always up for an adventure with Dad. He is curious, has a kind heart, and is always leading his friends on imaginary adventures.

August 2 yr

August is a bright shining light in our lives. We cannot imagine life without her and we are so grateful to her birth mama for choosing us and trusting us with her care. She is 2 years old. She is curious, fearless, sweet and spicy.




Alyssa was living in Jackson, MS dancing and touring with a ballet company when Jon moved to California (where Alyssa is originally from) after college. He met Alyssa’s family through a mutual friend, and eventually met Alyssa when she was home on break.  Jon was immediately attracted to her composure, beauty, and secure identity in Jesus.  Jon was able to convince Alyssa to move home. We were engaged for 3 months and married 3 months later.  I (Alyssa) was attracted to his confidence, his looks, and his love of Jesus.  I knew that if I married Jon, I would feel secure and cared for the rest of my life.

Letter to you
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our family video

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Mexican

Favorite animal: Lion

One word that describes you: Devoted

Fun facts:
- He grew up in South Africa.
- He was the captain of his rugby team in college.
- He likes adventuring and doing through the night hikes.
- He wakes himself up with a cold plunge every morning.
- He likes to grill and cook and makes many of our meals.
- He is a leader at work and in our community.
- He can build and fix anything.
- He started jujitsu beginning of 2023 and continues to enjoy it.
- Being a father is his greatest joy.


We love celebrating holidays and have enjoyed creating our own traditions together as a family. We have a large community of family and friends. Alyssa’s parents and three of her sibling’s families are local, in addition to cousins, aunts, uncles and 2nd cousins. We have 24 nieces and nephews between us. We value spending time with friends who have children of all ages. We do beach days, park days, dinners over, and vacation together. It is important to us that our children know how to love and be loved in community. Our friends and family are all so supportive of our adoption journey and August is especially loved by them.

  • beach days
  • bike rides.
  • having friends over for grill-outs and to watch the sunset.
  • trips to the mountains.
  • dinners together.
  • playing games (the kids especially love Candy Land and Life).
  • reading books before bed.
  • snuggling and wrestling.
  • talking about everything.
ABOUT Alyssa

Favorite color: Green

Favorite food: Tacos

Favorite animal: Butterfly

One word that describes you: Genuine

Fun facts:
- She was a professional ballerina for 8 years after high school.
- She loves to read fiction.
- She loves girly things like hair, fashion and makeup.
- She is now a nutritional therapist and helps people improve their lives through health and wellness.
- She loves chocolate.
- She prefers warm weather over cold.
- She has a wide network of friends and family in our community.
- She loves being a mama and thanks God daily for her miracles babies.


We love celebrating holidays and have enjoyed creating our own traditions together as a family. We have a large community of family and friends. Alyssa’s parents and three of her sibling’s families are local, in addition to cousins, aunts, uncles and 2nd cousins. We have 24 nieces and nephews between us. We value spending time with friends who have children of all ages. We do beach days, park days, dinners over, and vacation together. It is important to us that our children know how to love and be loved in community. Our friends and family are all so supportive of our adoption journey and August is especially loved by them.

  • beach days
  • bike rides.
  • having friends over for grill-outs and to watch the sunset.
  • trips to the mountains.
  • dinners together.
  • playing games (the kids especially love Candy Land and Life).
  • reading books before bed.
  • snuggling and wrestling.
  • talking about everything.

Gideon is 4 years old. He loves his little sister, riding his scooter, and playing with his friends and cousins. He is always up for an adventure with Dad. He is curious, has a kind heart, and is always leading his friends on imaginary adventures.


August is a bright shining light in our lives. We cannot imagine life without her and we are so grateful to her birth mama for choosing us and trusting us with her care. She is 2 years old. She is curious, fearless, sweet and spicy.


Our home is located on a quiet hilltop cul-de-sac a couple minutes from the beach. The kids love to scooter and bike out front. We have a big grassy backyard and are fortunate to watch the sun set over the ocean most nights. We love having friends over to join us. Jon is an excellent cook and loves to grill. We like to prioritize eating healthy meals at home together.