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Daniel and Ingrid
About The Couple

Hello! We are Danny and Ingrid. We value our relationship with God, family, and each other, and are excited to share our unconditional love with another child. We are an adventurous, fun-loving family from Wisconsin and look forward to growing our family. Although we have struggled for several years with infertility, long before that God had placed adoption on both of our hearts. Our first discussion about it started back when we were dating long distance. We have been married now for 10 years and have been blessed with our son, Steven, through adoption. Steven would make such a great big brother, and would love to have a sibling to play with.

Brian and Minela
About The Couple

We met thirteen years ago through a friend who invited both of us to hang out at the same event. When Brian arrived, he called his friend to locate her, and Minela happened to be holding the friend’s phone when it rang which kicked off our journey.

We quickly became friends, started dating, and soon engaged. After a few years of dating and moving around the country, we married in a small courthouse in Texas. We are best friends and use every day to experience life to the fullest. We have always wanted to start a family and when it didn’t happen naturally, we looked towards IVF and now adoption.

Minela is outgoing and loves to be around people and making new friends. She is caring and loving which can be seen when she is interacting with anyone but especially with her nieces and nephews. She loves dogs and animals. She was born overseas and moved from Croatia to the United States when she was 8 years old with her parents and brother and sister. They were all refugees of war. Not being able to speak or understand English, they made America their new home which shows her strength in overcoming obstacles. It took her only 6 months to learn the English language and she is good at spelling but somehow, always gets beat by Brian at Scrabble which we both love to play. We are both competitive.

Brian is also outgoing but also enjoys being home and spending time with Minela and their dog, Harley. He loves watching college football and his favorite team is Florida Gators, which is also why his favorite colors are orange and blue. He loves to stay active with exercise or being outside. He really enjoys his job in engineering and the travel that comes along with it; he has been to Canada, Mexico, New York, California, and Las Vegas to name a few. His favorite weekend activity, besides football, is taking our dog to the park for a walk. It’s become a tradition. Brian is a very courageous, hardworking, loving person. He goes above and beyond in everything he does and does everything in his power to make sure his family is happy and well taken care of.

Together, we have so much love to give and can’t wait to share that love with your child.

Cory and Kelsi
About The Couple

We are Cory and Kelsi, with three children, Abe, Hazel, and Riley. We love spending time together as a family doing activities like bike rides, movie and pizza nights, individual and family date nights. We live in a small rural town that is currently growing quickly. Kelsi is a stay-at-home mom, that works part time for the local libraries providing early childhood activities. She has her degree in Early Childhood Education. Cory is a software engineer and gets to work from home two days a week. Cory has his degree in Computer Science. Our children range in ages from 5-10.  With the youngest in morning preschool and the oldest in Junior High.  Adoption has always been part of our plan. We were blessed with our three children, but are ready to add to our family through adoption.

Austin and Kassadi
About The Couple

We both work in the agriculture industry and while we would have likely run into each other at some point, the timing couldn’t have been more divine. At the time, we had a few mutual friends who were trying to play ‘match-maker,’ and it wasn’t until I was assigned a new territory and walked into a particular ag retailer that I met Austin. I remember him having a hard time coming up with the words to say when I walked in because of course, neither of us expected to meet each other but we both knew about each other because of the whole ‘match-making’ bit.

Austin asked me on a date THREE times before I finally relented. The third time, he invited me to the lake, and being from northeast Oklahoma where lakes are abundant, I was convinced this part of Texas didn’t have lakes so I really only said yes because I missed home and missed being out on the lake. We had instant chemistry and fell for each other pretty quickly. The first time we ever went out to lunch, for a work meeting, he says he left that meeting and told his co-worker that he could listen to me talk for the rest of his life. We didn’t immediately date. In fact, we went on a few dates and then stopped abruptly, but months later we reconnected and as they say, the rest is history.


Austin proposed in May 2017, during the busiest season of our careers – cotton planting season! Even though the day didn’t go as planned and I ended up hauling seed during the time Austin intended to propose, it was still a night we will never forget, and now we have the most hilarious story to tell when people ask about our engagement. We wouldn’t trade it for anything. Well, maybe Austin would. He was awfully stressed out that night. 

It’s hard to believe we’ve been together for nearly 9 years and married for almost 6. Time has really flown by and each and every day in our marriage is so much fun. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, you can count on us to be the life of the party and always down to have a good time. We love laughing and creating memories together. We recently remodeled our current home together that we purchased originally as an investment property, and while we did that we lived in our motorhome with our dogs for 6 months. I feel like that is a great test of a relationship, not to mention, the home remodel. We only grew closer during that time and really learned that we don’t value ‘stuff’ much and we’d rather have the time and finances to create memories and travel together.


Daniel and Rochelle
About The Couple

We are each other’s missing piece, extremely different but alike in so many ways! We met through a dating app when Daniel gave it one last shot before deleting the app and coincidentally was Rochelle’s first match. The timing was meant to be! We hit it off immediately and started dating in early 2019. Daniel proposed in 2020 in Florida at Marco Island when we were walking along the beach. He had asked a kind stranger to take a picture of us on the beach but quietly asked her to record everything. After posing for the picture, Daniel got down on one knee. We were married a year later right after everything open up after Covid. It was a small intimate wedding on the beach in Key Largo, Florida. Rochelle’s Grandma was the flower girl and our pup was our ring bearer.

Getting married when we were older helped us start our relationship strong because we knew who we really were. Our life experiences helped shape us into adults who know to communicate effectively and appropriately. We are able to truly understand each other and tell each other what we need in our relationship. We are both hard workers and love to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Peter and Monica
About The Couple

We are Monica and Peter and we are so grateful you've taken the time to glance into our lives. Many years ago, we were longing for children but struggling to get pregnant. After several rounds of fertility tests, we ultimately received a call from our doctor confirming we would not be able to get pregnant without fertility treatments. We were devastated at the time, felt peace about pursuing fertility treatments, but also felt strongly that the Lord was calling us to welcome a child into our home through adoption. We went the fertility treatment route first, and by the grace of God, we now have two young boys. We're crazy about our kids. Throughout all these years we have continued to feel the pull toward adoption, and now, here we are! We cannot wait to come alongside a birthmother and offer lifelong, unconditional love to her child with an open adoption if that's what she desires. We have been praying for this future adopted child for a long time, and now we pray we get to meet them soon.

Andrew and Hailey
About The Couple

Together Andrew and Hailey are known as the fun couple – always making each other laugh, willing to take a spontaneous trip, or go to a hockey game with friends. We love hanging out with our friends and family – but also value our time at home together. That is a core value in our family – spending time together. We want to show up for the school play, or the sporting event – as a family. We both feel very blessed to have been raised by incredible parents who were there for us and we want to be able to give that to our kids as well.

Dan and Rebekah
About The Couple

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.  We are Dan and Rebekah and we met at a Christian Camp that we both worked at in Wisconsin.  Rebekah was immediately drawn to Dan's smile and fun personality.  Dan was attracted to Rebekah's beauty and kindness.  We were able to work a few weekends together and spent time getting to know each other.  We were married in March of 2006 on a chilly, Spring day surrounded by family and friends.

Throughout our time together we have been growing and helping each other to be better people.  It has always been our desire to have children, and we prayed for this for some time.  We always knew that we would adopt one day and when we weren't able to get pregnant, we decided to pursue adoption rather than infertility treatment.  After 12 years of marriage God blessed us with our daughter Eliana through the gift of adoption.  We are so excited to be growing our family this way again!  We would love to learn about you and your wishes for your child.  You are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope to meet you soon! 

Brendon and Amanda
About The Couple

We met in 2013 at a birthday party for a mutual friend. After a brief introduction, I went home and “stalked” Brendon on Facebook. After looking through his profile and thinking he was the cutest guy I had ever seen, I quickly added him as a friend. A week later he sent me a message and asked me on a date. The rest is history! We dated for two and a half years before we got engaged. Brendon surprised me by having our entire family waiting for us at dinner after he proposed and then surprised me again after dinner by having an engagement party with all of our friends waiting to celebrate. Brendon always goes above and beyond to make me feel special and he pulled out all of the stops for our engagement. We were married on February 6, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Our wedding was the most memorable day of our lives. We celebrated our love for each other surrounded by all of the love of our family and friends. It was truly unforgettable! Since our big day, we have been through some highs and lows, but through it all, we have become stronger. We live each day together as a team and as best friends. We work to encourage one another daily, we respect and value each other’s opinions, and we do and we do a lot of laughing which helps to make our days bright!

Jerry and Meagan
About The Couple

We have been married almost 9 years and together for 14. We met through mutual friends at a restaurant shortly after Meagan moved to Dallas. We were both there to watch a football game and Jerry gave up his seat facing the TV so that Meagan could see the TV screen. His kindness immediately sparked Meagan’s attention. We ended the evening playing pool and really hit it off. We dated for 5 years as Jerry went back to school to pursue a second Bachelors degree. As soon as he graduated, he popped the question in the living room of Meagan’s apartment. We got married 7 months later at a bed and breakfast located in downtown Dallas. Our ceremony was small and intimate and Jerry’s best friend since elementary school officiated our wedding.

We welcomed our daughter, Claire Victoria, in 2019 after years of infertility and we thank God every day for her. Watching her grow, hearing her laugh, and teaching her things brings us so much joy. We so look forward to sharing those same experiences with another child one day!

Our relationship has always been fun and easy. We are truly partners and best friends, as cliché as it may sound. We love each others company and just about everything we do, we do together. We have had our share of hardships, like battling infertility, losing our son and Meagan’s brother, but we lean on each other for support and it has made our relationship stronger. We are committed to one another and to our family for a lifetime.

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This section of the site is where you can explore the different types of adoptions. You can learn more about each type along with the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

Types of Adoptions

This is a quick look into the different types of adoption. It is the best place to start to learn about what adoption type is best for you and your family. Learn More

Adoption Options

The options for adoption are almost endless. From closed to fully open and everything in between, there is an adoption option to fit every birth mom and every adoptive family. Fear should never be the determining factor for either birth families or adoptive families when it comes to what type of option you pursue.

Open Adoption

An open adoption is the healthiest option for all members of the adoption triad and in this article, you can learn what makes it so and why the Alliance recommends this type wherever possible. Learn More

Semi-Open Adoption

There are many variations of what a semi-open adoption looks like and how it functions. This will help you discover what a semi-open adoption might look like.

Closed Adoption

Although an open adoption is the healthiest, either side of the adoption parties may opt for having a closed adoption. This article explores what a closed adoption is. Learn More


The majority of disadvantages really are found in the closed adoption option. However, there can be disadvantages potentially found in each of the different types of adoption. Learn More

Closed Adoption

There are significant disadvantages associated with a closed adoption affecting all members of the adoption triad. Learn More

Semi-Open Adoption

Although the disadvantages are less likely in a semi-open adoption, there are things that you might want to be aware of as you explore. Learn More

Open Adoption

Although an open adoption is the healthiest, there can be some disadvantages that may arise. Most of these are easily overcome with communication. Learn More