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Daniel and Ingrid
About The Couple

Hello! We are Danny and Ingrid. We value our relationship with God, family, and each other, and are excited to share our unconditional love with another child. We are an adventurous, fun-loving family from Wisconsin and look forward to growing our family. Although we have struggled for several years with infertility, long before that God had placed adoption on both of our hearts. Our first discussion about it started back when we were dating long distance. We have been married now for 10 years and have been blessed with our son, Steven, through adoption. Steven would make such a great big brother, and would love to have a sibling to play with.

Koltin and Katie
About The Couple

Our love story started well before each of us were born. Our moms become fast and dear friends as young working professionals in a small town. Katie always remembered thinking how cute Koltin was, but we grew up in different schools and lived very different lives. There was no way our paths would ever cross “like that” until they did. Later in life, Koltin and Katie ran into one another at a mutual friends wedding where sparks flew, but we kept them a secret knowing it would cause chaos if things crumbled, so we took the time and ended up dating close to 5 years before we got engaged. In June, we will be married 4 years! It’s been a joy that our family and friends are now officially family and it doesn’t hurt that we’ve known our in-laws (on both sides!) our entire life. Together we love to go on road trips, gather with friends and family, go camping, explore new cities, and challenge ourselves with something new each year. At the same time, we also appreciate the little things in life like rainy days, coffee dates, riding our Polaris, movie nights with our son and trying ultimately to treat each other with love and respect. We are ready to give our unconditional love to child and expand of family through the miracle of adoption.

John and Alisa
About The Couple

Hello, we are John and Alisa Rachan.

We met in Spanish class in college at Olivet Nazarene University. We were acquaintances at first, but reconnected after graduation. John reached out to Alisa to get together since he worked at an engineering company close to where she lived. During college, she had a crush on him from afar, so instantly accepted the invitation to dinner. We spent 3 hours talking that evening and felt as if we had known each other for years. Alisa then went to live in Mexico City to do missions work with her nursing degree for a year. God was always working during this time, however, and we reconnected once again after she returned. We started dating a few months later, were engaged after 6 months of dating and married 9 months later. 

We have 2 children: Eliana, who was adopted, is 4 years old, and Ava, who is biological, is 3 years old. We have always desired to have a large family and first considered building it through biological means and later through adoption. However, when we struggled getting pregnant and were diagnosed with unexplained infertility early in our marriage, we decided to pursue adoption instead of extensive medical treatments. Eliana’s name means God has provided, and we truly feel that her life was an answer to our prayers in many ways. We have an open adoption with her birth family, and we are so blessed by this relationship. Ava was a surprise gift from the Lord as well, when we did not think that we could conceive. She was born to us about 6 months after Eliana was born. Her name means breath of life, and we are thankful for her life and for the friendship that our two daughters have with one another. They are truly best friends. We have been trying to grow our family for a few years now and are feeling led to pursue adoption once again because of secondary infertility and because of the joy that adoption has brought to us already. 

Together as a family, we enjoy playing in our backyard, going to parks and meeting other young families, going on walks/bike rides, exploring the outdoors, doing bonfires, playing board games, and hosting friends and family in our home regularly. 

In our lives, there have been both trials and joys. Through it all, we have seen God's faithfulness to provide for us and give us His peace. We are eager to participate once again in the beautiful gift of adoption because we also have been adopted as children into God's family. We hope to provide the best possible loving and caring home for another child, and will strive to teach our children to love the Lord, to be kind and compassionate to others, and to cherish every moment that God gives us. 

Ben and Zoë
About The Couple

We met in October 2019 at a trivia night in small town in central Texas. Zoë’s best friend from college happened to invite Ben out to trivia that evening, and Zoë and Ben instantly hit it off. We grew closer in our friendship over the Fall months and in January of 2020 we went on our first date. From that January date to go rock climbing we have basically been inseparable. We have now been married for 3.5 years and love each other more each day.

Right after we started dating, the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the world. We both experienced interruptions to our jobs, social lives, and families. Although the world was forced into isolation, God knew that we were destined to be together and used that time to show us all the different kinds of challenges we can overcome together. We believe that these difficulties early on drew us closer to each other and to the Lord and helped us build a firm foundation for our relationship. We can do anything with the Lord.

Ben is currently working as a software developer and Zoë is a music teacher in several local school districts. We both enjoy playing music together in our free time and spending time with our wonderful church family. We also LOVE to travel all over the place! We are both very active and enjoy hiking, biking, rock climbing, dancing, gardening, disc golf, you name it! Our relationship is full of the joy of the Lord, and we can't wait to share that joy with a child someday.

William and Kensi
About The Couple
We met at church and started playing board games with our friends and we often flirted across the table. We had the same sense of humor and we were both very competitive. After a year, we had our first date, a perfect picnic at the lake! A few months later, we flew to Liam’s hometown to meet his family. During that trip a blizzard began and our flight home got canceled. So, we did the sensible thing to do, and rented a small car to drive 20 hours through a blizzard. We tested our relationship on that long drive home while sliding on the road and running on no sleep. We realized from that trip and other dates that we were made for each other. Which led to our marriage. Then, we discovered we were pregnant! Kensi had a difficult pregnancy. We knew we wanted another child, but we wanted to look into other ways. This brought us to adoption. We know the love that Christ has for all his children. We are very involved in our church and close to our small group. We often are with them playing board games, roasting s’mores, or playing with our kids together. We love to go hiking, camping, anything outdoorsy, traveling, eating and making good food, and spending time together.
Daniel and Rochelle
About The Couple

We are each other’s missing piece, extremely different but alike in so many ways! We met through a dating app when Daniel gave it one last shot before deleting the app and coincidentally was Rochelle’s first match. The timing was meant to be! We hit it off immediately and started dating in early 2019. Daniel proposed in 2020 in Florida at Marco Island when we were walking along the beach. He had asked a kind stranger to take a picture of us on the beach but quietly asked her to record everything. After posing for the picture, Daniel got down on one knee. We were married a year later right after everything open up after Covid. It was a small intimate wedding on the beach in Key Largo, Florida. Rochelle’s Grandma was the flower girl and our pup was our ring bearer.

Getting married when we were older helped us start our relationship strong because we knew who we really were. Our life experiences helped shape us into adults who know to communicate effectively and appropriately. We are able to truly understand each other and tell each other what we need in our relationship. We are both hard workers and love to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.

Greg and Katherine
About The Couple

Greg and I always enjoy our time together. We like to spend time outdoors, on a kayak or paddleboard, and are always up for a competitive driveway basketball game! We also like working in our yard. I plant flowers and watch them grow, and Greg keeps them watered. Together we make a great team! We love grabbing ice cream with our nieces, cheering on our favorite teams, and watching funny movies together. Christmas movies are in season all year! Whether we’re at home on game night or out sharing a pizza, we always have fun laughing together. 

Our love story:

Greg and I met through my younger brother, Will. Will and Greg met shortly after Will graduated from college. Years later, Will bumped into Greg at the grocery store. He told Greg he should give me a call. Will had never set me up on a date before, so I knew this guy must be someone special! I agreed to go out with Greg, and we have been together ever since.

We dated for one year before becoming engaged. On a cold New Year’s Day, Greg and I went on a romantic walk along the riverfront in Nashville. We were on the beautiful pedestrian bridge overlooking the city when snow began to fall and music began to play. A man on an electric keyboard was playing Ed Sheeran’s song, “Thinking Out Loud”— a beautiful love song about growing old with your true love. I looked at Greg and he was down on one knee. He told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him. I enthusiastically said, “Yes!” I complimented Greg for having the musician play the lovely music for the proposal, but Greg said he had not hired him. The musician just happened to be on the bridge performing the perfect soundtrack for our engagement! Every time we pass the pedestrian bridge, we remember the wonderful night we promised to belong to each other forever.

Our wedding was a dream come true! The fun began at our rehearsal dinner. Instead of a traditional dinner, we invited the wedding party to a baseball game. We enjoyed the fireworks display over the ballpark that night—it was as if everyone there was celebrating with us. Our wedding was held at the Nashville Symphony Center. The wedding was a family affair. All our siblings, their spouses, and their children were included in the wedding party. We had an amazing band and everyone danced all night! Our wedding was a joyous event and a true celebration of God’s promises.

Thomas and Crissy
About The Couple

Our names are Crissy and Thomas. Crissy is a pediatric nurse and Thomas is a former police officer and current first responder for 9-1-1. The thing we want most in this world is to have a family. We have been married for nine years, and we did fertility treatments for the first six of them. We were originally introduced in 2007 and over the next few years were introduced by a few more. We finally decided to give it a shot. We got married in November 2013, Over the next several years of medical intervention, treatments and one lost pregnancy it was discovered that Crissy had unexplained infertility. We still have the dream to start a family. We know that families are made in many different ways and we are hopeful that our family is still out there. We truly feel as though God has led us to adoption, and we hope and pray that this will finally be our opportunity to create our family.

Nathaniel and Rebecca
About The Couple

We met at work in 2015 and Nathan immediately told his coworker “I really like the new girl!” After months of growing a friendship through team work lunches, we began dating in 2016 and were engaged within 6 months (our coworkers didn’t even know we were dating until we showed up engaged which was hilarious to see their reactions!) Nathan proposed at the spot of our first date and we got married 6 months later. Our wedding day was amazing, and Rebecca didn’t leave the dance floor the entire night!

Angel and Breanna
About The Couple

We are Angel and Breanna! We’ve both felt called to adopt from a young age. We initially met in high school and our paths reconnected after college. It became clear that God had brought us together for a purpose — our mutual desire to grow our family through adoption. After experiencing infertility, we felt God leading us to begin this journey sooner than we had planned, but we trust in His perfect timing and plan for our family.

Adoption holds a special place in our hearts because it is a beautiful reminder of how God has adopted us into His family. Just as we have been chosen and loved by God, we long to provide the same love, care, and belonging to a child through adoption.

We’ve been together for over six years and married for three. During this time, we’ve grown closer as a couple, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying life with our playful mini Goldendoodle, Teddy. Breanna is a passionate teacher with a deep love for children, and her role with her students fulfills her heart’s desire to one day raise a child of her own. Angel works remotely in sales, which gives us a great work-life balance and allows us more time together as a family.

Our faith is at the core of everything we do, and we are both deeply involved in our church community. Breanna serves in children’s ministry, and Angel serves as a greeter, offering a warm welcome to all who visit. We promise to provide your child with a loving, safe, and faith-filled home, where they will always know how deeply they are loved by us and by God. 

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In the United States, adoption looks different across the country. Each state has its laws along with national requirements as well. Adoptions vary from closed to fully open, with many different variations in between.

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

Whether you are a member of the birth family, the prospective adoptive parents, or someone looking at adoption from within the family, you can access the information you need by scrolling down to find the appropriate education for yourself.

Types of Adoptions

Whether you are a birth mother or a prospective adoptive family, this section will provide you with information about closed, open, and semi-open adoptions. You can learn about the benefits of each type of adoption and the potential disadvantages of each. Learn More

Birth Families

This section of the site is primarily intended for members of the birth family. If you are a birth mom, birth father, or another member of the birth family, we invite you to visit this section to find the adoption insights specifically for you. Learn More

Prospective Adoptive Parents

If you are here to begin your journey of growing your family through adoption, you will want to explore this section of the site. This education equips you to make informed decisions about what adoption looks like for you and your family. Learn More

Relative Adoptions

One of the most common adoption types in the United States is relative adoption. A family member may adopt a child in an unplanned pregnancy, or it may be a step-parent adopting the child of the other parent. You are invited to discover things to consider here. Learn More