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Joseph and Krista
About The Couple

HI we are Joe and Krista. We have been together since 2014. We met while working together at Walmart. We then got married in 2019. The date is a very special one for us. We got married on Krista's grandparents 50the wedding anniversary. Not only is it there anniversary but also Krista's parents, and also aunt and uncle. 

Caleb and Alaine
About The Couple

We know it sounds cliche, but we met online…by accident. We connected via social media, thinking that the person we connected with was someone else. When we started looking at each other’s pictures, we soon noticed that there had been a case of mistaken identity. After realizing we didn’t actually know each other, we had a mutual friend reach out to us individually to try and play matchmaker. We chatted back and forth for three weeks via email, talking about everything you can imagine – music, work, church, friends, food, and life. Our first conversation on the phone was incredible and lasted for several hours. After a month of speaking to each other, we decided to meet. Our first date was the day before Valentine’s Day and we both knew instantly that we were going to marry each other. From then on, we frequented new and unique restaurants, wandered through museums, hung out at the beach, and got to know each other’s friends and family. 13 months after our first date, we were married, and it has been the most incredible journey.

Damon and Sabrina
About The Couple

We are Christians saved by Grace. We have been married almost 13 years. We love spending time together. Damon is the head pastor of Stigler First Baptist Church.  I stay home & help full time with the ministry. We have 1 dog named buddy. He is super sweet. We are both super close to our families. We enjoy hanging out with friends & family & trying new foods. 

Jason and Katie
About The Couple

We are potential parents who love living life and want to share that love with your child. We have love in our hearts for God, first - family, next and from there it extends into our community. Marriage, to us, means working hard daily showing our love to each other. It helps that we both share a deep faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. We exist with Him at the center of our lives. One of the things for which we pray daily is that God would bless us with a child. It does not look like this will happen biologically but, with God’s help, it may through adoption. We look forward to pouring our love out to a baby boy or girl, sharing all that we have with them. We especially look forward to helping them grow up knowing how much God loves them and the wonderful things He has in store for their lives.

We want to grow as a family through adoption. We respect all children’s uniqueness and believe that each has been created intentionally by Our Lord. The two of us often find ourselves in lively interaction with the children of our extended family and in our circle of friends. During these conversations, we both learn from the youngsters as well as share lessons we have learned in life..

Peter and Monica
About The Couple

We are Monica and Peter and we are so grateful you've taken the time to glance into our lives. Many years ago, we were longing for children but struggling to get pregnant. After several rounds of fertility tests, we ultimately received a call from our doctor confirming we would not be able to get pregnant without fertility treatments. We were devastated at the time, felt peace about pursuing fertility treatments, but also felt strongly that the Lord was calling us to welcome a child into our home through adoption. We went the fertility treatment route first, and by the grace of God, we now have two young boys. We're crazy about our kids. Throughout all these years we have continued to feel the pull toward adoption, and now, here we are! We cannot wait to come alongside a birthmother and offer lifelong, unconditional love to her child with an open adoption if that's what she desires. We have been praying for this future adopted child for a long time, and now we pray we get to meet them soon.

Brian and Ashley
About The Couple

Our story began in 2009, under the South Texas sky, where our relationship took flight. Brian was a persistent, charming pilot and Ashley a soon-to-be nurse who quickly found their futures intertwined over coffee and endless conversation.

As Brian soared through his pilot training, our hearts embarked on a journey of their own, mastering the skies of long-distance love. The distance only deepened our bond, and in 2010, a leap of faith brought Ashley to Arkansas, closing the miles between us. Our love took flight, and in 2012 amidst the tropical whispers of Punta Cana, we promised forever to each other.

Our adventures have led us through the vibrant streets of Little Rock to the sparkling lights of Las Vegas, the lush vineyards of Napa, and the welcoming warmth of Houston. Each city a chapter in our shared journey, a story we hope to continue writing with an open heart and home for another.

Brian’s bond with our daughter is a testament to the love and guidance he offers as a father. Addison shares her dad’s passion for flight, and always gets very excited when we announce an upcoming family trip.

Ashley, the heart of our home, brings care and joy to every moment. Her nurturing touch ensures that laughter fills our days and each family memory is painted with perfection.

In our quiet moments, we find solace in each other’s company, whether we’re wrapped in the embrace of a good movie, the camaraderie of game night, or the excitement of planning our next family journey.

Brendon and Amanda
About The Couple

We met in 2013 at a birthday party for a mutual friend. After a brief introduction, I went home and “stalked” Brendon on Facebook. After looking through his profile and thinking he was the cutest guy I had ever seen, I quickly added him as a friend. A week later he sent me a message and asked me on a date. The rest is history! We dated for two and a half years before we got engaged. Brendon surprised me by having our entire family waiting for us at dinner after he proposed and then surprised me again after dinner by having an engagement party with all of our friends waiting to celebrate. Brendon always goes above and beyond to make me feel special and he pulled out all of the stops for our engagement. We were married on February 6, 2016 in Dallas, Texas. Our wedding was the most memorable day of our lives. We celebrated our love for each other surrounded by all of the love of our family and friends. It was truly unforgettable! Since our big day, we have been through some highs and lows, but through it all, we have become stronger. We live each day together as a team and as best friends. We work to encourage one another daily, we respect and value each other’s opinions, and we do and we do a lot of laughing which helps to make our days bright!

Samuel and Casey
About The Couple
We are Sam and Casey and Julia! We have been blessed with the most amazing family and we can't wait to grow it even more. Sam and Casey have the same birthday (same day, same year!) and on our shared 30th birthday, we got the call to adopt and bring home our first daughter (Julia). That was the most amazing day of their lives but now we want nothing more than to adopt again to complete our family. We love each other, love our friends and family and love what the Lord is doing in our lives through adoption.
Clay and Mindy
About The Couple

We met in 2008 when Facebook had apps that became the precursors to today’s dating apps. After chatting online for a few weeks, we decided to meet for dinner after church. I (Mindy) spent the whole service praying Clay wouldn’t show up because I was so nervous. But he did show up, and we had a great evening. We talked for hours over queso and tacos. I was disarmed by his lack of pretense, his willingness to show me who he really is and not cover up rough patches in his life. We hit it off that night and began dating exclusively. A few months later, Clay wanted to be baptized at our church, and he asked me to do it. That afternoon was the first time our parents met each other, and it is a wonderful memory. After dating for about a year and a half, Clay proposed and we were married just three months later.

When we met, I had a degree in counseling and was working for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. I felt called to teaching though, and shortly after we began dating, I accepted a position to teach 5th grade at a private Christian school. Sixteen years and so many good memories later, and I am still here and now our daughter attends as well. Clay was working for an accounting firm when we met. He has continued to work in office administration and finance, while also getting his master’s of education.

Our life is focused on our faith in Jesus and love for one another. We are surrounded by family and friends who love and support us and have fun with us. We are active in our church and school, and both of these communities are extensions of our family. We still eat lots of tacos and queso, and we are thankful that we both stepped out in faith through what seemed to be just a chance meeting online.

Thomas and Crissy
About The Couple

Our names are Crissy and Thomas. Crissy is a pediatric nurse and Thomas is a former police officer and current first responder for 9-1-1. The thing we want most in this world is to have a family. We have been married for nine years, and we did fertility treatments for the first six of them. We were originally introduced in 2007 and over the next few years were introduced by a few more. We finally decided to give it a shot. We got married in November 2013, Over the next several years of medical intervention, treatments and one lost pregnancy it was discovered that Crissy had unexplained infertility. We still have the dream to start a family. We know that families are made in many different ways and we are hopeful that our family is still out there. We truly feel as though God has led us to adoption, and we hope and pray that this will finally be our opportunity to create our family.

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As Christians, we want the Scriptures to affirm everything we do. You may find yourself asking, “What does the Bible have to say about adoption?” As we examine the Scriptures for specific facets of adoption, we can develop a Godly and Biblical approach.

Adoption and the Biblical theme of the Covenant:

Adoption in strict terms is a legal process. However, adoption is more meaningful and more significant than just the legal perspective. Adoption represents relationship. There is a substantial difference between legal and promise in practice and principle.  Where law focuses on legal facets, promise celebrates the unconditional gift of love.

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

In the Bible, we see many references to God’s Covenant Family and how, as new believers, we are adopted into God’s family. We are more than chosen. We are adopted and seen as pure and holy. Looking back in history, we find unique Roman-Syrian legislation that allows a father to abandon his biological child but forbids disowning his adopted son.

It is clear biblically that adopted children and biological children have at least the same value, and some would argue that adopted children have an even higher standing.

Adoption Supports Marriage and Parenting:

The Genesis record of creation shows that God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. We know that God intervened in Adam’s isolation stating, it’s not good for man to be alone. God created and ordained marriage with a calling to create children.

The union between man and woman was biblically established as God’s design for creating and raising children. Infertility and other reasons might prevent a couple from creating children. Adoption allows that couple to fulfill their calling to parent and raise godly children.

The husband and wife relationship, centered in Christ, growing their family is part of the biblical covenant.  This family unit delivers physical, emotional, and spiritual security and shelter for their children. God’s design establishes the calling for children to experience the covenantal relationship between a mother and a father.

A marriage firmly rooted and grounded in Christ is the strongest possible foundation for family-building, whether through birth or adoption.  Many birth parents realize the stability of a Christian family and make that quality a priority when making their adoption plan.

Adoption Upholds the Scriptural Emphasis on the Role of the Father:

Separate and Distinct –

Although we have seen the importance of two parents, the father’s role as illustrated in the Scriptures is separate and distinct from the mother’s. The Bible speaks of fathers as men of compassion, teachers at home, and honored by their children. Proverbs significantly elaborates on the essential roles a father can and should play in the lives of his children.

God purposefully chose to relate to us as a Father. Our earthly fathers are important in modeling or being images of God as Father.

It is important to note that many women choose adoption because they see the father as vital for their child.

Joseph Adopted Jesus – Perhaps the most profound example of adoption in the Scriptures is Joseph’s adoption of Jesus.  Joseph assumed the role of Jesus’ father.  It should not surprise us that God desired for Jesus to have an earthly father, consistent with His plan for marriage and parenthood.

Biblical examples show how God has used adoption to provide for children and to further his purposes and Kingdom:

Pharaoh’s Daughter and Moses – We can summarize Moses’ adoption by seeing it in the context of two loving mothers whose first concern was a child. Jochebed, who parted with her child knowing that his life was at stake if he remained with her; and Pharaoh’s daughter, who felt compassion on a child she knew, by mandate, would be killed.  God used these two women to save Moses’ life and provide him with a safe and secure childhood.

Jochebed’s decision is an excellent example of a birth mother’s love for her child. Her godly example sets straight the misconception that birth parents don’t love their children. Her love for Moses prompted her to make the adoption plan.

Here are some other examples often mentioned as types of adoptions: Esther and Mordecai (Esther); Jacob’s adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48); Abram and Eliazar (Genesis 15); and Eli and Samuel (1 Samuel 1).

The overarching theme in the examples above, as it continues to be today, is that adoptions take place for the child’s well-being and with his best interest at heart.

Adoption is a scriptural metaphor that emphasizes the permanence of our relationship with God, the rights we have as His children, and His redemption of us:

Many Similarities –

The adoption metaphor is a compelling illustration of God’s covenant love for His people and His desire to see us as part of His family.  Adoptive families can experience a small piece of that in the permanence of the family God forms in their midst.

Birth parents can know they set an enduring plan into motion for their child, just as God, sacrificially through Christ, put our salvation in place. The miracle of that transfer and grafting of that transfer and the child into his new permanent family, so carefully planned and desired by both families, is a beautiful image of our permanent place in God’s family.

Together on the Child’s Behalf –

Birth parents plan for permanence, the full rights of an heir, and love lavished on the child in his new family, just as God lavishers the riches of His Grace on us.  An adopted child knows that love daily from his family, and as he grows, he gains an understanding of the love of his birth parents, who planned the permanence for him.

Understanding this simple truth can break down the myth that adopted children will always experience rejection. It can also break the myth of animosity between birth and adoptive families, knowing they have worked together in a child’s life in a way they could not have worked independently.

Adoption is an Outpouring of God’s Grace on All involved:

Grace in the Time of Need –

A crisis pregnancy can cause intense struggle for a young woman.  Whatever the situation, she is experiencing emotional pain and a feeling of helplessness, as she may have never felt before. She is in the midst of a great time of need-the need for a resolution, the need for compassion, and support.

In a different set of circumstances, but feeling similar emotions, is the couple facing infertility.  The inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term is one of the most difficult obstacles a family-oriented couple can face. Infertility can be debilitating and alienating for couples. For both the young woman and the couple, life seems to be “on hold” and hopeless.

Grace Breaks Through –

Amid these seemingly hopeless struggles, we have a loving God who gives us gracious answers.  Hebrews 4:14-16 tells us: “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses  .  .  .  Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Adoption is for Children –

The child experiences God’s grace through an adoption plan.  Adopted children can feel comfort and love knowing that their birth parents and adoptive parents planned a future for them that was in their best interest.  As children grow older, this can be tangible evidence of God’s direction and sovereignty in their lives.  Adoption can also be a sign of God’s grace for children without parents or children whose parents cannot care for them, children in the foster care system, and children from other countries.

As it progresses and after it is in place, an adoption plan can be a powerful example of God’s working circumstances for good for all those involved.  God uses adoption, just as He can any human relationship, to further His purposes and bring about wholeness and healing.

Adapted from Ring, June “A Biblical Framework for Adoption,” Loving & Caring