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Sean & Jeanette
Marriage Length







Flynn 8 yr

Flynn is such a smart and helpful little boy. He loves craft projects and learning about animals, especially sharks.  He likes to help mom plan birthday parties. He enjoys board games, playing outside on the fort, helping Dad work on projects and fishing at Granny and Grumpy's ranch.


He is great about doing his chores which include making his bed, putting away clean clothes and loading the dishwasher. He also takes good care of his three gerbils.


He loves his siblings so much and has told us that he wants ten more.

Titus 4 yr

Titus is our resident goofball. He is such a fun and funny kid. He has the best smile and quite the sense of humor. He loves to play with our dogs, He is all about hugs and is very creative when playing.


He helps out around the house and make friends easily.

Annora 2 yr

Annora is our super sweet girl. Her brothers love her so much, and we just can't get enough of her and her fun antics. She loves dressing up in her jewelry, frilly skirts and shoes.


She enjoys anything chocolate or pink.




Hi mommas! We are Sean and Jeanette, high school sweethearts who have been married since 2010 and live in Texas with our 3 children and 2 sweet doggies. We are a Christian family and have always been interested in adoption but have not been able to adopt until recently. We are praying for each of you and are hoping that we can provide a great home for a baby girl who can be a beloved daughter and sister. We are working with an agency that can do adoptions in Texas or Arizona and will provide no cost counseling to you if we match. 

If you want to learn more about us, here is a link to a youtube video with our adoption book. We are so eager to learn more about you and see if we would be a good fit for you and your precious baby!

Letter to you
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Sean is a hard-worker who does property management for our family’s real estate business. He can repair just about anything around the house and has just gotten into car repairs as well. He is a devoted husband and father, and he's great at making me laugh and focus on the positives in life.


He is calm, thoughtful and easygoing. In his spare time, he enjoys playing board games, having theological discussions with friends, wrestling with his boys and playing video games. He also enjoys skiing and scuba diving on vacation. He is such a great husband and father, and I am so happy to share my life with him.

-  Jeanette


Sean's close family lives mostly in our area and in East Texas. It consists of his parents, two brothers, sister-in-law and niece. His parents, who our children adoringly call Granny and Grumpy, have been married for 37 years and live about 10 minutes from us. They split their time between their home and their ranch. We take ski vacations as a whole family some years and gather for holidays. Everyone is great with our kids and are supportive of our adoption plan.


I graduated from high school in 2006 and received my bachelor’s degree from Baylor University in 2010. I now work as a property manager for my family's properties. At my job, I enjoy that I get to hang out with my family and that I get to have control over my schedule. I enjoy that I get to do problem solving and get to make people’s lives better. 


I like to play board games with my wife and son and play video games. I like to wrestle with my boys. I like to have theological conversations with friends at church. I love traveling with my family, and I have been skiing and scuba diving for many years.

ABOUT Jeanette

Jeanette is a beautiful wife and mother. She loves to do crafts with the kids and gives our house a unique and homey flair with her creative murals and mild plant obsession. She is a patient and loving mother and homeschooling teacher to our children and always finds creative ways to help them learn. She enjoys entertaining by having friends over for dinner frequently and throwing elaborate, themed birthday parties for the kids.


In addition to everything else that she does for our family, she is also able to make a living selling antiques from home so that our children never miss out on time with their mom. God could not have blessed me with a better wife and mother to my children.



Jeanette's parents, sisters, brother-in-laws, niece and nephews live near us. Her other  brother lives a few hours away. Her parents have been married for 36 years andlive about 15 minutes from us.


We get together with them frequently, and the whole family gets together for holidays and birthday parties. Everyone loves children and is incredibly supportive of adoption. My sister and brother-in-law have adopted his nephew.


I graduated high school in 2007, went into Texas Tech University and worked at the university as a tutor first in the student athletics department and then later for the English department. For one or two semesters, I worked as a personal assistant for a local woman with disabilities. My final semester, I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain which was the highlight of my college career and such an incredible experience. I loved seeing a different way of life and a different history from my own. I got to meet some great people, shop at gypsy markets and take daily siestas. I learned conversational Spanish which I’m not great at speaking now. It is one of my goals to teach my children to speak Spanish in our homeschooling and hope to get back to at least conversational. 

For my job, I buy antiques, clean them up and resell them in my online shops. I love my job, because I can spend as much or as little time on it as I want, can stay home with my kids and get to shop guilt free. I really enjoy going into antique shops and fairs treasure hunting for overlooked valuables. It’s really a perfect fit for me! 


I love crafting, decorating and painting. I have painted murals on several of the walls of our house and have painted some for a church and friends. I also love to read. I read Christian fiction, historical biographies, parenting advice and lifestyle books. I enjoy meeting up with and talking to friends. I also like traveling, hiking and camping. Indoor gardening is another hobby of mine, and I have a plethora of plants around our home that I enjoy caring for. Making crazy cakes might be the best!


Flynn is such a smart and helpful little boy. He loves craft projects and learning about animals, especially sharks.  He likes to help mom plan birthday parties. He enjoys board games, playing outside on the fort, helping Dad work on projects and fishing at Granny and Grumpy's ranch.


He is great about doing his chores which include making his bed, putting away clean clothes and loading the dishwasher. He also takes good care of his three gerbils.


He loves his siblings so much and has told us that he wants ten more.


Titus is our resident goofball. He is such a fun and funny kid. He has the best smile and quite the sense of humor. He loves to play with our dogs, He is all about hugs and is very creative when playing.


He helps out around the house and make friends easily.


Annora is our super sweet girl. Her brothers love her so much, and we just can't get enough of her and her fun antics. She loves dressing up in her jewelry, frilly skirts and shoes.


She enjoys anything chocolate or pink.


We live in a one story brick house with 3 bedrooms, an art room, living room, kitchen/ dining room, 2 bathrooms and an office. We have a large fenced-in backyard. The fort with 3 levels and 2 slides is shaded by a large pecan tree. We have also strung up a misting system to keep the yard cool in the summer heat.