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Joseph and Krista
About The Couple

HI we are Joe and Krista. We have been together since 2014. We met while working together at Walmart. We then got married in 2019. The date is a very special one for us. We got married on Krista's grandparents 50the wedding anniversary. Not only is it there anniversary but also Krista's parents, and also aunt and uncle. 

Axel and Christa
About The Couple

We have been married for 10 years. We met while in college and got married shortly after. We are major dog people. Currently, we have 3 fur babies and spoil them rotten. While at home, we enjoy plaing card games, listening to music, cooking and working in the yard together. For date nights, we like to go to the movie theater, eating at our favorite restaurants, attending concerts or occasionally singing kareoke. Our favorite past time is spending time with our friends and family. We are blessed to live close to the majority of our family. Our friends are also very important to us and play a supportive role in our life together. 

Brian and Ashley
About The Couple

Our story began in 2009, under the South Texas sky, where our relationship took flight. Brian was a persistent, charming pilot and Ashley a soon-to-be nurse who quickly found their futures intertwined over coffee and endless conversation.

As Brian soared through his pilot training, our hearts embarked on a journey of their own, mastering the skies of long-distance love. The distance only deepened our bond, and in 2010, a leap of faith brought Ashley to Arkansas, closing the miles between us. Our love took flight, and in 2012 amidst the tropical whispers of Punta Cana, we promised forever to each other.

Our adventures have led us through the vibrant streets of Little Rock to the sparkling lights of Las Vegas, the lush vineyards of Napa, and the welcoming warmth of Houston. Each city a chapter in our shared journey, a story we hope to continue writing with an open heart and home for another.

Brian’s bond with our daughter is a testament to the love and guidance he offers as a father. Addison shares her dad’s passion for flight, and always gets very excited when we announce an upcoming family trip.

Ashley, the heart of our home, brings care and joy to every moment. Her nurturing touch ensures that laughter fills our days and each family memory is painted with perfection.

In our quiet moments, we find solace in each other’s company, whether we’re wrapped in the embrace of a good movie, the camaraderie of game night, or the excitement of planning our next family journey.

Sean and Jeanette
About The Couple

Hi mommas! We are Sean and Jeanette, high school sweethearts who have been married since 2010 and live in Texas with our 3 children and 2 sweet doggies. We are a Christian family and have always been interested in adoption but have not been able to adopt until recently. We are praying for each of you and are hoping that we can provide a great home for a baby girl who can be a beloved daughter and sister. We are working with an agency that can do adoptions in Texas or Arizona and will provide no cost counseling to you if we match. 

If you want to learn more about us, here is a link to a youtube video with our adoption book. We are so eager to learn more about you and see if we would be a good fit for you and your precious baby!

Thomas and Crissy
About The Couple

Our names are Crissy and Thomas. Crissy is a pediatric nurse and Thomas is a former police officer and current first responder for 9-1-1. The thing we want most in this world is to have a family. We have been married for nine years, and we did fertility treatments for the first six of them. We were originally introduced in 2007 and over the next few years were introduced by a few more. We finally decided to give it a shot. We got married in November 2013, Over the next several years of medical intervention, treatments and one lost pregnancy it was discovered that Crissy had unexplained infertility. We still have the dream to start a family. We know that families are made in many different ways and we are hopeful that our family is still out there. We truly feel as though God has led us to adoption, and we hope and pray that this will finally be our opportunity to create our family.

Jon and Alyssa
About The Couple

Alyssa was living in Jackson, MS dancing and touring with a ballet company when Jon moved to California (where Alyssa is originally from) after college. He met Alyssa’s family through a mutual friend, and eventually met Alyssa when she was home on break.  Jon was immediately attracted to her composure, beauty, and secure identity in Jesus.  Jon was able to convince Alyssa to move home. We were engaged for 3 months and married 3 months later.  I (Alyssa) was attracted to his confidence, his looks, and his love of Jesus.  I knew that if I married Jon, I would feel secure and cared for the rest of my life.

Kevin and Brianne
About The Couple

Hi! We are Brie and Kevin. We first met each other in college and married soon after graduating. Kevin works in developing and maintaining safety programs in a science foundation while Brie works in accounting.

Brie has been called to adopt since very young.  We also tried to have children of our own but were unsuccessful, we lost a daughter at 16 days after birth, a son after 20 weeks early birth/miscarriage as well as two early miscarriages.  These events have caused us to go through with our adoption plans a bit earlier.  Our family is also made up of several adopted people and this is something we wish to continue out of other’s need as well as our love, Kevin’s mother, uncle and Brie’s aunt are all adopted.  You don’t need common blood to be family.  After considerable prayer, now also seems the right time to look into and start the adoptive process.

We live in a safe and comfortable suburban house with our very friendly corgis (dogs). Our neighborhood has many wonderful resources for a developing child to be able to thrive, including many parks, trails in the woods and along local beaches, libraries, schools, and museums within walking distance. As well as restaurants and grocery stores from a incredibly diverse range of cultures and ethnicities. We also have valuable resources including medical offices and hospitals in the immediate vacinity.

We like to spend our time with constructive hobbies, including cooking nutritious and delicious meals using food from our gardens. We also enjoy traveling to the coast and exploring areas in our state and neighboring ones. We have a love of enjoying games together, be it board games, video games, puzzles, or books.

Jim and Melissa
About The Couple

Hi we are Jim and Melissa and we live in Colorado. We moved here 3 years ago (from Texas) to be closer to family.

We met on a camping trip. Being the only people who could leave early to head to the campsite, we carpooled. Jim, although introverted, decided he needed to be as talkative as possible so Melissa wasn't bored, and Melissa had a headache and just wanted him to stop talking! But through all that, we both realized we had a lot of common interests and after a few months, we started dating at the beginning of 2015. We've been married for 8 years now!

Adoption was always our plan to grow our family, and we adopted our son, Elliot, in 2019. He is 4.5 years old now! We have a wonderful open adoption with his birthmom and we get to see her twice a year (she lives out of state) and also exchange pictures and texts. He is very excited to become a big brother and tells us how he will help "new baby" grow and learn to play.

Jim is a structural engineer and works with a company in Denver. He grew up as a missionary kid in Argentina and is fluent in Spanish and speaks it to our son, who is now bilingual. He loves working on projects around our home (recently re-doing our back deck!), backpacking, ultimate frisbee, watching soccer, and playing strategic board games.

Melissa is an aerospace engineer turned stay at home mom. She enjoys gardening, quilting, hiking, reading, and researching all the great childrens books and activities to encourage our son to have a lifelong love of learning and exploring.

As a family we love to be outside - hiking, camping, exploring. Elliot has recently started playing board games with us (Ticket to Ride!) and that's been a great way to spend time together as a family. We like going to zoo and the Children's Garden at the Botanical Gardens. 

Thank you for stopping to learn about us and please reach out if you have any questions!

Corbin and Ashlee
About The Couple

Hello! We are Corbin and Ashlee Hackett. We have been together for fifteen years. We unforturnately aren't able to have biological chirldren so we felt that God moved us to adoption and we are so excited. We have been in the adoption process since 2020. We have four nieces and two nephews that we are very close to and involved heavily in their lives. We pray to have our own (adopted) children to add into the crazy mix with all the cousins. We are praying for you and the baby and hope this reaches your heart.

Nathaniel and Rebecca
About The Couple

We met at work in 2015 and Nathan immediately told his coworker “I really like the new girl!” After months of growing a friendship through team work lunches, we began dating in 2016 and were engaged within 6 months (our coworkers didn’t even know we were dating until we showed up engaged which was hilarious to see their reactions!) Nathan proposed at the spot of our first date and we got married 6 months later. Our wedding day was amazing, and Rebecca didn’t leave the dance floor the entire night!

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For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Knowing God’s Plan For You

God has a unique plan for you. In fact, he had plans for you even before you were born (Psalm 139:16). Every one of your days has already been written down in God’s playbook. Yes, you have free will to choose, but God already knows the choices you will make. 

Are you looking for an accredited Christian adoption agency?

Hope and a future is waiting for each of you. It may not align with your vision for your life, but it lines up perfectly with God’s. His plan requires trust, though. Do you trust his plan enough to place your life entirely in the hands of God? If so, his future plans for your life await you. 

For Women

What separates the female of every species from the male? The ability to conceive and bear children. God could have chosen to create his Son the same way he created Adam. Jesus would be formed from the dust of the ground and become a living being through the breath of God. Instead, God chose a woman. A woman who was not planning on being pregnant at that time. It was definitely an unexpected pregnancy.

If you are a woman discovering an unplanned pregnancy, trust that God has plans to give you hope and a future. This is not the event you expected in your life at this time, but it is now a part of your life’s story. Whether you’re single or perhaps married with other children, God has a plan for this situation. He promises “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” (Romans 8:28)

Ask God if parenting or adoption is part of his plan for your future. Is the baby you’ve conceived part of a bigger, different story? If so, trust him whether it is to parent or place. If adoption is in your plans, He will lead you to the perfect family for you and your child. Remember, God’s plan is to give you hope and a future.

For Families

Whether you are looking at adoption to add to your family or a husband and wife dealing with the disappointment of infertility, God has a plan for you. Knowing his plan is the key to finding hope and a future.

Adoption is about building a family, not destroying one. Throughout the Bible, God created families through adoption. In addition, God calls us to build his church family through adoption. “In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” (Ephesians 1:5) 

If he has adoption for your family, remember the words of Job to God, “I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” If you are a family and want to add more children or a couple facing infertility, trust the future he has for you. No matter what, yield yourself to God’s plan. Your family may not look anything like you imagined. “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21) The Lord’s purpose is your hope and future.

For Children

Everyone is treasured in the heart of God. “They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.” (Malachi 3:17) Not only does he bring us eagerly into a spiritual family, but he also desires we have an earthly family. “God sets the lonely in families.” (Psalm 68:6) No one should ever be alone, without a family, in God’s eyes.

He knew each of you before you were even conceived. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5) After conception, he met with you in your mother’s womb. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalms 139:13-14) After your birth, he rescued you. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

Adoption is Part of God’s Plan

Clearly, we can see adoption is part of God’s master plan. He’s ordained it for us spiritually and yearns for us to have a physical family as well. Now is the time to pray and ask God if adoption is part of your future. Many children are waiting for forever families. Are you open to seeing a different family photo? Consider adoption.