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Austin & Kassadi
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We both work in the agriculture industry and while we would have likely run into each other at some point, the timing couldn’t have been more divine. At the time, we had a few mutual friends who were trying to play ‘match-maker,’ and it wasn’t until I was assigned a new territory and walked into a particular ag retailer that I met Austin. I remember him having a hard time coming up with the words to say when I walked in because of course, neither of us expected to meet each other but we both knew about each other because of the whole ‘match-making’ bit.

Austin asked me on a date THREE times before I finally relented. The third time, he invited me to the lake, and being from northeast Oklahoma where lakes are abundant, I was convinced this part of Texas didn’t have lakes so I really only said yes because I missed home and missed being out on the lake. We had instant chemistry and fell for each other pretty quickly. The first time we ever went out to lunch, for a work meeting, he says he left that meeting and told his co-worker that he could listen to me talk for the rest of his life. We didn’t immediately date. In fact, we went on a few dates and then stopped abruptly, but months later we reconnected and as they say, the rest is history.


Austin proposed in May 2017, during the busiest season of our careers – cotton planting season! Even though the day didn’t go as planned and I ended up hauling seed during the time Austin intended to propose, it was still a night we will never forget, and now we have the most hilarious story to tell when people ask about our engagement. We wouldn’t trade it for anything. Well, maybe Austin would. He was awfully stressed out that night. 

It’s hard to believe we’ve been together for nearly 9 years and married for almost 6. Time has really flown by and each and every day in our marriage is so much fun. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, you can count on us to be the life of the party and always down to have a good time. We love laughing and creating memories together. We recently remodeled our current home together that we purchased originally as an investment property, and while we did that we lived in our motorhome with our dogs for 6 months. I feel like that is a great test of a relationship, not to mention, the home remodel. We only grew closer during that time and really learned that we don’t value ‘stuff’ much and we’d rather have the time and finances to create memories and travel together.


Letter to you
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ABOUT Austin

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Chicken Fried Steak

Favorite animal: Dog

One word that describes you: Fun

Fun facts:
I'm an above-average swimmer.
I love to play and watch golf.
I enjoy hunting and fishing.
Growing up, I always wanted to be a Texas Ranger in Law Enforcement.
I'm a human jukebox - I know a lot of music and can finish any lyric someone starts.


Austin's parents live nearby and we get to see them at least once a week, and when the baby is here, we know we will see them more. It's great having them close by. Austin also has extended family members who live in the same town as us, so the baby will grow up with lots of family nearby. Austin's brother and his family live in Texas, and his sister and her family live in Tennessee. Even though there's quite a bit of driving time in between all of us, we not only talk and Facetime regularly throughout the week, but we see each other multiple times throughout the year. The baby will grow up with four other cousins and lots of aunts and uncles!

  • We love to travel the world.
  • We love working out together – we do CrossFit.
  • We love to play golf.
  • We love attending sporting events together, especially our alma mater games.
  • We enjoy cooking together.
  • We love to karaoke together and finish each other’s lyrics.
  • We love going to see our family and traveling with them.
  • We love going to the lake!
  • We love playing Fortnite together and with our family.
  • We love playing games – cards, dominos, cornhole, you name it!
ABOUT Kassadi

Favorite color: Green

Favorite food: Cake

Favorite animal: Dog

One word that describes you: Determined

Fun facts:
I'm a 1st generation college graduate, and I recently graduated with my MBA degree, a dream achievement for me!
I'm very competitive at anything that can be a competition, board games, Fortnite, CrossFit, anything.
I love to cook, and recently took on learning baking as a skill and I haven't made a cake I haven't been willing to devour.
Growing up, I played multiple sports and I also showed livestock and did rodeo.
I went to college on a livestock judging scholarship, and I was named an All-American Livestock Judge in my senior year of college!


Kassadi's family is spread out all across Oklahoma, with the majority of the family living in northeastern Oklahoma. Kassadi has two sets of parents, which means double the fun! We still see her side of the family several times throughout the year and stay connected on the phone. We love going back to eastern Oklahoma to spend our vacations on the lake or on their ranch. You can find anyone in her family spending time on the boat at the lake, hunting or fishing. She was raised in a tight-knit, close community so it's always fun to go back and we cannot wait to bring a baby back to see all of the aunts, uncles, and cousins they will get to grow up with.


We love our home and where we live! We have been here less than a year. In 2022, we sold our beautiful, new home on 10 acres to purchase a home with cash where we would no longer be bound to a mortgage but also have the opportunity to use the home as an investment property. We've always wanted to purchase investment homes and this was a step for us to do just that. So that's what we did, we sold our home and purchased this one, and the past year we completely gutted and remodeled the house in its entirety. We are currently looking for a new home but plan to live here until the duration of our adoption is complete. This house will still be ours but we will keep it as a rental. We do adore this cute house because of all its history. It was built in 1940 and is situated in the oldest, most prominent area in our town. This area is full of trees and parks and has a cute little string of restaurants and coffee shops right in the middle of the neighborhood. We love going on walks to the park with our dogs or walking around the corner to grab a fun coffee. Most of all, we love this house because together, with the help of our families, we completely gutted and renovated this 1940s house and brought it current while still preserving some of its history. It doesn't look big but it actually boasts over 2,100 square footage of living space with two living areas and plenty of space for lots of kiddos to run around. We also have a large backyard that we adore and love spending time in. We have three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and everything, down to the electricity has completely been re-done. We also love the original hardwood floors and brick paver flooring, along with the cute phone booth inside the house. This neighborhood is the sweetest neighborhood and it's super quaint from the eclectic homes to all the friendly people outside walking their dogs. It's a unique place to get to live and we're excited this is where our family will be created.